Character Set

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Revision as of 19:09, 4 March 2011 by Lax (Talk | contribs)

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Character Set is another word for team -- Characters you will play together. A Character Set reserves a number of Slots, one to be used for each of its Characters, which will also correspond to Window Layout regions if one is assigned to the Character Set. Each Slot has its own set of options, including CPU selection and framerate (FPS) limiting.

Creating a Character Set

It is recommended that you use the Quick Setup Wizard to create a Character Set. This will also help you set up other common features including a Window Layout. You can use the Quick Setup Wizard either from the Wizards menu, or from the right click menu on Character Sets.

To create a Character Set without the Quick Setup Wizard, right click on Character Sets and select New Character Set. Rename the new Character Set to whatever you would like to call your team.


Editing a Character Set

Character Set options

  • Prevent game from repositioning windows has been removed in ISBoxer 38 and no longer appears. Instead, using a Window Layout will automatically prevent the game from repositioning windows.
  • Make game believe it is foreground window is used for games that will ignore input from background windows. While this game behavior is not inherently "bad" (historically this would have probably been related to EQ1's use of Direct Input) it does discriminate against single-PC multiboxers by otherwise requiring you own multiple PCs. When using the Quick Setup Wizard, this option is automatically selected for games known to have this behavior.
  • In-game ISBoxer GUI toggle hotkey is used to toggle an in-game ISBoxer Control Panel with options for Repeater Regions, and also makes Click Bars movable while toggled on. The Quick Setup Wizard sets this to Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G.
  • Computer to launch on has been removed in ISBoxer 38, and instead the Computer is simply linked directly to the Character Set via click and drag like other similar options

Slot options

Editing Slot options
  • Hotkey to switch to this character can configure a Hotkey to immediately focus this window
  • When I switch to this character... can be used to broadcast a keystroke or perform a Mapped Key when you focus this window, optionally with and only when I use the above Hotkey
    • Broadcast this keystroke can be selected to use this opportunity to simply broadcast a keystroke to the other windows, optionally with auto-generated macros for World of Warcraft. These options are available primarily for backwards compatibility
    • Do this Mapped Key can be selected to use this opportunity to perform a Mapped Key
  • CPU Cores can be selected to control CPU Affinity for this window, similar to the control in Windows Task Manager
  • World of Warcraft: FTL Modifiers can be configured in order to use the FTL option for Key Maps (when enabled for a given Mapped Key, ISBoxer will automatically add these modifiers to any keystroke passed by it)
  • Limit framerate in foreground/background to can be used to limit the FPS in each window

Key Maps options

Selecting a white or black list for Key Maps

A White or Black list can be configured by clicking on Key Maps in the left tree for a Character Set. This can be used to prevent unintentional use of a conflicting Key Map that was meant for other Character Sets, enabling the use of a single toggle key for all Key Maps.


  • Characters occupy Slots in a Character Set
  • Key Maps can be assigned to a Character Set to load on all of its Characters by default
  • Click Bars can be assigned to a Character Set to load on all of its Characters by default
  • A Window Layout can be assigned to a Character Set to have ISBoxer manage window look and behavior
  • A Repeater Profile can be assigned to a Character Set to enable Repeater functionality
  • A Computer can be assigned to a Character Set to launch the Character Set on a networked PC
  • Character Sets on different Computers may be linked together to form an ISBoxer team with multiple PCs

See Also