HOWTO:Make a custom Screenshot Hotkey

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This guide details how to quickly set up a custom Screenshot Hotkey, with a few options like whether to capture the full desktop, or an individual game window.

Minimum versions required:

  • ISBoxer 40.3.0731.2 (check or update via Help->About)
  • Inner Space build 5663 (hover your cursor over the Inner Space icon to check version; to update just close and restart Inner Space)

Use the Mapped Key Wizard

  1. In the Wizards menu (or by right clicking a Key Map in the top left pane), select Mapped Key Wizard
  2. On the first page of the wizard, select a Key Map for your new Hotkey. "Always On" or "Control" might be appropriate, unless your Hotkey might interfere with your ability to do something else
  3. Next you'll be asked to pick a type of Mapped Key to create. Select Screenshot from the drop-down box, and click Next. On the final screen you will have options to configure your Mapped Key.
  4. Click the < to select a Hotkey.
    • Everything but the Hotkey is pre-configured for you to capture a full desktop screenshot in PNG format.
    • The "Use DirectX-based capture" box will allow you to take full-resolution screenshots of game windows that are scaled down, whereas a full desktop screenshot will show all windows as you actually see them. However, a DirectX capture will not include Video FX.
    • The 'Filename template' by default is "{CHARACTERSET} - {CHARACTER} - {DATETIME}". These and {SLOT} are currently the only available variables.
  5. After finishing the wizard, remember to Export to Inner Space to activate your changes

Where to find your Screenshots

ISBoxer's screenshots will be stored in Inner Space's Screenshots folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace\Screenshots for a typical installation.

Further customizations available

The Mapped Key Wizard does not show some advanced options that are available in the created Mapped Key. It is possible to set up time-delayed and auto-recurring Screenshots. A custom region can also be specified to capture only a partial screenshot.

See Also