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Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

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Post Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:47 pm

Seeing different resolutions in two game windows


I'm just trying to set up a simple 2 game window. I have verified by logging in through the regular wow client that both account game resolutions are set to the same size(Windowed Fullscreen 1920 - 1080). When I try and launch the two accounts through isboxer the two screen resolutions end up looking different.

I have tried changing both to Fullscreen mode and also even resetting back to origional default settings, but it sill is the same. I have tried reinstalling isboxer and redoing the quick settup but still the same.

Here is the export of my isboxer settings: http://pastebin.com/mRKYRDEq

Thanks for any help.


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Post Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:55 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

Is launching via Inner Space/ISBoxer, both your windows should be sized at 1920x810 according to your configuration. If they are not, then you are doing something wrong. You normal don't need to change the screen resolution in game either. ISBoxer should be setting it for you, and normally it would ask to fix it if the settings for the game were different when you export your profile (in this case, the correct answer is "Yes", fix it for me).

Are you launching your team correctly? Are you using 1 of the three methods noted here: http://isboxer.com/wiki/WoW:Quicker_Sta ... _2:_Log_in


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Post Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:17 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

Yea thats what I thought isboxer was supposed to do. I don't get any warnings from isboxer when exporting or launching about differences. Yes I am using the first method to launch my team(Right click Inner Space in the system notification area and, in the ISBoxer Character Sets sub-menu, select your Character Set).

Here are two screenshots showing the difference of the two standard menu bar. The first window the bar lines up with the casting bar fine, but on the other window you can see that the wow casting bar is smaller and doesn't line up.




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Post Fri Jul 29, 2016 6:31 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

Very strange.

1. Make sure Windows Display Scaling is not set to a value other than 100%
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 7

2. Make sure your in game UI scale is the same setting (less likely as the ISBoxer GUI items are different sizes).
3. Grab a Capture State. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G to bring up ISBoxer Control Panel, click the debugging tab and click the Capture State button. Paste the details back here.
4. Grab a diagnostic for crashes (yep, even though it is not crashing). Get it on one of your running game instances under Inner Space rather than a copy outside. It would be better to pick the second instance (in your image) as this is the one which looks wrong, but it is not mandatory.


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:32 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

Please let me know if there is a resolution to this issue; as i am having the same issues. I have even tried selecting different profiles that i previously saved and it doing the same thing.

I am boxing 5 windows and every one of the windows has a different aspect ratio and the key bind for 1 through = will not align on all of the windows.

Please let me know if i can post something to help diagnose the issue.

Session is1: Heroics Team - Jegre-Archangel [14x] Blizzlike - Slot 1
Executable: C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe
Command line: "C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe"
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 384x173 style 160b0000. Rendering: 1920x865 - Windowed
FPS: 29.948524 (Background)
Mouse: 1875,775
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Background Region: 0,867,384,173,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is2: Heroics Team - Jegger-Archangel [14x] Blizzlike - Slot 2
Executable: C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe
Command line: "C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe"
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 384x173 style 160b0000. Rendering: 1920x865 - Windowed
FPS: 30.174446 (Background)
Mouse: 685,60
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Background Region: 384,867,384,173,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is3: Heroics Team - Jegsmage-Archangel [14x] Blizzlike - Slot 3
Executable: C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe
Command line: "C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe"
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 384x173 style 160b0000. Rendering: 1920x865 - Windowed
FPS: 30.389364 (Background)
Mouse: 1895,560
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Background Region: 768,867,384,173,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is4: Heroics Team - Jegton-Archangel [14x] Blizzlike - Slot 4
Executable: C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe
Command line: "C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe"
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 1920x865 style 160b0000. Rendering: 1920x865 - Windowed
FPS: 999.000000 (Foreground)
Mouse: 538,169
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Background Region: 1152,867,384,173,TRUE,None,TRUE
Session is5: Heroics Team - Elejegg-Archangel [14x] Blizzlike - Slot 5
Executable: C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe
Command line: "C:\Users\Diacletion\Downloads\WoW TBC\WoW TBC\Wow.exe"
Rendering system: Inner Space Direct3D9 Driver
Rendering on \\.\DISPLAY1, Bound to \\.\DISPLAY1
Window: 384x173 style 160b0000. Rendering: 1920x865 - Windowed
FPS: 30.160227 (Background)
Mouse: -6325,960
Window Layout... (Instant Swap: TRUE)
- Reset Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Foreground Region: 0,0,1920,865,TRUE,None,TRUE
- Background Region: 1536,867,384,173,TRUE,None,TRUE


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:09 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

all the values shown look like the rendering should be at the same size, so short of using the in game graphics settings to force the same resolution, or even set the in game options to fullscreen, and perhaps back to a windowed fullscreen option, there is not much else to suggest.


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Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:25 pm

Post Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:39 pm

Re: Seeing different resolutions in two game windows

I have tried to manually set the resolution in game, even using triple buffering; and not using triple buffering and i still cannot get them to the same settings.

This has just recently changed within the last month, as before it would keep all windows in relatively the same aspect. Im not sure what happened or what settings i may have changed to cause this?

Any other suggestions are welcome.

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