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Miscellaneous questions

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 13

Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:21 pm

Post Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:04 pm

Miscellaneous questions


Last time I played LOTRO I got a Guardian and 5 Runekeepers up to lvl 65 where I took a break. This was a little over a year and a half ago. While I used ISBoxer, I didn't use _any_ advanced features (I think I actually used keyclone at the same time and didn't use layouts). I also didn't know about Use Selection (assuming it was around then). So, some questions:

1) When doing Use Selection (I put it on H since it's more comfortable for me there), I always have to click multiple times before the quest panel on NPCs opens up for all toons. Normal or could I do things better here?

2) If a quest NPC is also a vendor, has multiple quests, or has a hint (basically, if a quest NPC has 2 or more entries on its quest pane), then if I click on a quest to choose it using mouse repeater (another thing I ignored last time), the quest will only open up one some of my toons, for the rest the NPC closes entirely (so I have to manually get those toons to the same step as the others). Is this some kind of LOTRO server side quest database access limitation thing or am I misunderstand things?

3) Skill target forward is definitely not working as nicely as it used to. Previously, I would just have all characters target my leader and from then on, as long they didn't change targets, they could attack stuff all day long, through the leader. Now, after a while, it will refuse to attack with an error message about not being able to harm themselves. They're definitely target (via F2) the leader, who is definitely targeting a mob (and the leader is a Guardian so no pet class issues, I would assume). This often (but not always) happens after looting with the leader. Any ideas here?

4) Follow is working perfectly for me, no question here. I have the ` key do, all in one step: F1, F2, and = (my /follow key). Never fails.

5) Can hotkeys load different keymaps? I didn't understand the conjunction thread, but am I right in thinking that each step is its own keymap, with the keys selecting a color for a character then loading the next keymap in the sequence? Actually, a link to an explanation of this might be better. ;)

Thanks for any and all assistance,


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Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:27 am

Post Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:52 pm

Re: Miscellaneous questions

I'm just starting up a new team in Lotro as well, but I'm going all out: guard, mini, rk, champ, lm and hunter.

1&2) I've seen the same issue, it appears if an NPC receives a query from multiple toons at the same time some of them get a busy message and you have to repeat the request again. I played with using multiple steps sending 'Use Selection' to different windows, but ultimately ended up just spamming the 'Use Selection' key until everyone had the window open.

3) I saw this as well when I last played. I don't recall how I fixed it and my configuration was lost (always keep backups, even if it is just to a thumb drive)

4) Take a look at http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2035&p=8326 if you want an FTL type follow/select feature. With variable keystrokes you can have a single key send different key presses to each slot depending on which slot is active. I'm play with this now, but one toon has a scrambled order for the group.

5) A hotkey can enable/disable a keymap.

The way I implemented the conjunction function is to keep all four of the mapped keys on the same step all the time.

Assume there are four mapped keys: R,Y,G,B you could setup your keymap as follows:
- Conjunctions
- - Mapped Keys
- - - Red (Hotkey: R)
- - - - Steps
- - - - - 1: Send 'R' to Slot 1
- - - - - Yellow in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - 2: Send 'R' to Slot 2
- - - - - Yellow in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - 3: Send 'R' to Slot 3
- - - - - Yellow in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
And so on.
- - - Yellow (Hotkey: Y)
- - - - Steps
- - - - - 1: Send 'Y' to Slot 1
- - - - - Red in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 2 -> self
- - - - - 2: Send 'Y' to Slot 2
- - - - - Red in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 3 -> self
- - - - - 3: Send 'Y' to Slot 3
- - - - - Red in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
- - - - - Green in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
- - - - - Blue in Conjunctions Key Map Set 4 -> self
And so on.
Same pattern for blue and green.

Now, when you hit 'R' it sends 'R' to slot 1 and advances ALL four of the mapped keys (red,yellow,blue,green) to step 2. If you hit 'Y' now it sends 'Y' to slot 2 and advances all four mapped keys to step 3.

You could also create six keymaps, enable the first one and disable the rest. The first keymap sends the correct key to slot 1, disables itself and enables the second keymap. My concern with this method is leaving the wrong keymap enabled at the end. This might not be important since it doesn't matter who selects each color, only the final order.

In any event, I ultimately trashed the whole system and switched to hardcoded sequences for morale, power and damage. I never really found a big benefit to any of the others, but I never got past level 30 either. It would be more fun if certain fights required a particular sequence (IE to clean a poison from everyone), but again I would just hardcode that sequence for that fight.


PS, you also have to get all the toons to target the correct mob to run the conjunction. I usually had one toon targeting a corpse or a pretty flower so my conjunctions usually ended up as fives anyway.


Posts: 13

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:57 am

Post Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:36 am

Re: Miscellaneous questions

1/2/4: Same here

3: When I attack I switch from follow to assist. With the option "Combat movement assistance" enabled it works very well.


Posts: 13

Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:21 pm

Post Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:35 pm

Re: Miscellaneous questions


I don't think I want to use the combat movement assistance since I thought that was primarily for mostly melee groups, I'm running a Guardian, Minstrel, and 4 Hunters. Speaking of Hunters, I only now realized how awesome their Return to Camp (or whatever it's called) ability is. I've got _tons_ of bind points now, effectively.

For my assist issues, I'm going with the basic 2 step hotkey step1:F1, step2:F2, press or release solution and it's been working great. It would be awesome if things were the same as a year and a half ago when I never had issues with skill target forwarding, but oh well.

The title of this post is "Miscellaneous questions", not "Miscellaneous interface questions", so a few generic questions

1) I'm not really interested in pvp, so are there any rewards for doing the pve-only aspects of Ettenmoors? _Are_ there pve-only aspects of Ettenmoors (like quests, deeds, etc.)? Never been. I know this is a bit of a touchy subject since seeing multiboxers in Ettenmoors can really annoy self-righteous players.

2) What do people spend Destiny points on? Boosting rested xp?

3) I'm not planning on playing my level 65 toons any time soon. My lower level group is currently level 27. Is there any reason or benefit for me to activate Rise of Isengard or the Rohan thing?



Posts: 60

Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:26 am

Post Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:23 am

Re: Miscellaneous questions

Better late than never...

Nonpareil wrote:1) I'm not really interested in pvp, so are there any rewards for doing the pve-only aspects of Ettenmoors? _Are_ there pve-only aspects of Ettenmoors (like quests, deeds, etc.)? Never been. I know this is a bit of a touchy subject since seeing multiboxers in Ettenmoors can really annoy self-righteous players.

I don't think there are any relevant quests or deeds in the Moors for a non-PvPing character. Some of the more recent PvP items introduced have some potentially useful stats for PvE as well. But you can't equip them without gaining PvP ranks, so I guess there would be little point unless you already played in the Moors anyway.

You can travel to the Moors and take a look at the barter NPC's to check out the gear, without risk, as Glan Vraig is a safe zone.

Personally I find the Moors a fun place to kill some time and have some fun. But only on one character. I wouldn't take one of my teams there.

Nonpareil wrote:2) What do people spend Destiny points on? Boosting rested xp?

That's what I use mine for.

Nonpareil wrote:3) I'm not planning on playing my level 65 toons any time soon. My lower level group is currently level 27. Is there any reason or benefit for me to activate Rise of Isengard or the Rohan thing?

I can't think of a reason right now why someone would need RoI before they hit those zones.

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