Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
Moderator: MiRai
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Blizzard recently changed the way you can launch D3, by returning an error code 1 when you attempt to run the diabloiii.exe. So far it's for only the Asia region, but may soon be for the others. When I inquired about it in the technical blizzard forums, I was told that blizzard would only support launching the game from from now on and wouldn't fix whatever they did to break it. I don't see any other way the issboxer software can be used to launch the program now.
Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
Gdbman wrote:I don't see any other way the issboxer software can be used to launch the program now.
Have you tried using the launcher, as indicated in the setup instructions? ... _3:_Log_in
Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
Yes, that's how I set it up years ago and it's worked greaat until Blizzard eliminated the ability to run diabloiii.exe -launch

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
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Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
I believe the reference was in fact to use the "Diablo III Launcher" game profile (i.e., so it loads up, you click Play, closes (you do have to set to Exit Completely when the game is launched), and the next starts up.

Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
Oh, thanks. I misunderstood. I'll give that a try and let you know how it works.
Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
Wow, now I feel like an idiot. That worked great, launching through Thanks so much. Should I delete my post since the issue is resolved or leave it up?

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
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Re: Blizzard eliminating D3 instance loading
It's fine up as it is. It'll help someone else 

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