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Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

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Post Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:02 pm

Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

Hey there, it appears that Rift is still a supported game but I've tried six different isboxer versions (Currently running the dev release from a few days ago). I'm a longtime multiboxer in EQ/EQ2/D3/DAOC/LOTRO/WOW but first time trying to get Rift to work. I'm having an issue I havent ever experienced in a game before and none of the things that would normally influence the issue seem to have any impact. The game works completely fine and as expected in fullscreen, windowed fullscreen, or windowed when single boxing outside of isboxer. While running even a single session in isboxer it takes repeated interactions with the game to obtain the correct positioning of the cursor. Sometimes it only takes one click away and one click back to resolve, sometimes it takes over 10. When it is having this issue it has two consistent behaviors:
1) The actual cursor is lower and to the right every time by the same amount
2) No interactions of any kind have any affect and are not received by the game client. Keyboards, clicks, mouse overs etc.

When multiboxing this issue is compounded as each process has its own current mouse state and it is essentially impossible to get all 5 sessions to have a healthy cursor at the same time which makes it even worse than manual boxing to navigate and play.

All sessions have the same resolution/fps and my hardware utilization is low. I have tried:
1) All instances on one monitor
2) Five different resolutions
3) All three in-game modes (fullscreen, windowed fullscreen, windowed)
4) Make game believe it is the foreground window
5) Lock cursor inside game window while focused
6) Repeater profile settings (fake cursor, cursor positioning mode scaled to fit, non interactive video fx affect cursor positioning). Even when showing fake cursor is turned on and all cursors move and react properly the bugged sessions still have a maligned cursor
7) Use instant window swapping (on and off)
8) Hotkey switching between instances instead of clicks
9) Using blank config with game wizard setup

I am at my wits end and I cant seem to find a solution. I have tried recreating this issue on two other computers with existing config/default new config with no change.

I have a video of the behavior when in broadcast mode with the fake cursor pass through. 3/5 instances have the wrong cursor, 2/5 have it proper.

Any advice or things to try? Really wanting to play this again but its just not playable in the current state.


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Post Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:14 am

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

The problem would essentially be that the game's resolution is not the same as the rendering size that ISBoxer is trying to assign to the window. This would be between your Window Layout, and the game's resolution and fullscreen/windowed settings.

Does the problem occur with NO window layout assigned to your Character Set? If so, this would seem to rule out the Window Layout.

There is a diagnostic tool available in the in-game ISBoxer Control Panel to help with this kind of issue. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G in any of the RIFT windows, click the Debug tab and click the "Capture State" button. This will Copy info from all of the windows, which you can then Paste to us. This will include some details from your Window Layout as well as the current size of the windows, and the game's rendering resolution.


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Post Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:17 pm

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

So as far as I can tell the ingame resolution, the native OS resolution, and the window layout region resolution all jive and i am using the 100% scaling option in windows 10. Attached are my two session state captures from the diagnostic tool. One with all 5 sessions healthy at launch and the other one with only sessions 3 and 5 cursor in the correct spot and 1, 2, and 4 are all thinking its down and to the right. I will test with no window layout and let you know what happens.
1, 2, 4 unhealthy. 3 and 5 healthy
(3.32 KiB) Downloaded 1113 times
All 5 sessions healthy
(3.32 KiB) Downloaded 1138 times


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Post Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:31 pm

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

Good news, by just launching the game without any character set association it did not exhibit any of the symptoms so the issue seems to lie in the configuration somewhere. I deleted the windows layout on the character set but then it wouldnt let me launch one of those sessions from innerspace. Is there a more proper way to launch that to determine if its the windows layout or another setting causing this issue?

I've emailed you my config xml if you wanted to review anything there.


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Post Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:07 am

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

mattacm wrote:I deleted the windows layout on the character set but then it wouldnt let me launch one of those sessions from innerspace. Is there a more proper way to launch that to determine if its the windows layout or another setting causing this issue?

Uh, no you just remove the Window Layout from your Character Set and launch it. When you say "it wouldnt let you launch" after that, did you get an error message that you can describe? Because it should have indicated why it wouldn't let you launch, and generally you can just resolve whatever that problem is...


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Post Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:22 am

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

It would spin and then do nothing (No glyph process would launch in task manager). A reboot fixed it and I have confirmed that the mouse issue is not present without a layout configuration. My window layout is pretty basic, any insight into what would cause an issue to come and go this frequently? I've tried 4 different resolutions and most of the applicable settings i can find in the windows layout to no avail.

Window layout configs I've played with:
5x equally sized regions of various resolutions on a single monitor and on multiple monitors
Always on top mode (have tried off and on if game is in foreground)
Use instant window swapping not checked (have tried checked)
When clicking to focus a widnow the game should do what it normally does (Have tried ignore the click and treat like any other click)
Window swapping behavior true (have tried false as well)
Each slot has its own region and swap group (have tried all sharing a swap group)


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Post Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:39 pm

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

Any insight as to what to change? I can't seem to get any window layout to not give the behavior. Since I can recreate it on a new computer with a blank config with just a wizard based window layout I'd imagine its affecting more than just me.


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Post Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:07 am

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

Any ideas Lax? Been launching and getting by without a window layout but would love to be able to play it like my other titles.


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Post Fri Feb 14, 2020 6:40 pm

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

At the moment, I can't test out RIFT, but I've always had to fight its resolution/display mode to get it to work properly, and afterwards it was fine. However, what's not been suggested is to simply try using a Video FX Layout.


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Post Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:55 am

Re: Show stopper issue - repeatable on multiple devices

Well I ran with the vfx layout for about a dozen hours this weekend over three sessions without issue and then today im getting the same behavior repeatedly over reboots and relaunches. Very frustrating that no setting seems to help.

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