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Wow Error #132

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Thu Jul 13, 2017 1:14 pm

Wow Error #132

4 slot multiboxing
every time i hit the home key for interact with target my slot #2 exits with this error
have tried to run in 32bit same error
have disable all addon and same
the only thing that has changed was blizzards regular Tuesday maintenance
have run scan repair
have run at dx9/11/12
uninstall/reinstall innerspace/isboxer
everything was fine till last maintenance
have even tried disable programs thru task manager
it is always slot #2 no matter what other slot is selected as main
even when on slot # 2 it still exits error 132
have tried to redo my group and still same


system windows 7 64
amd 6 core
24 gig memory
gtx 650



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Thu Jul 13, 2017 3:12 pm

Re: Wow Error #132

With that kind of description it sounds more like something in your ISBoxer config is perhaps overloading that particular game slot with too much input?, although I suspect even if it that is the case, there is something else that is not handling that input, like perhaps one of your many addons. As the crash reports look like they are from two different characters, or if they are the same characters, then they are loading different addons, I would be inclined to disable all addons except ISBoxer and see if the problem still exists.

I also suggest using a fresh clear profile (File -> Clear) for testing (make sure you save your current one first). For the CPU strategy part, use the "select all cpus for all windows..." (bottom option in the drop down).
Other than that, you could also try deleting the config-charname.wtf.

There are also many processes running on the computer that might be not helping, but as this seems to be specific to a slot, then it seems less likely to be them.

If you wanted someone to check over your config before going through any of the above, then you need to share that.


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Post Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:53 am

Re: Wow Error #132

i was using round robin cpu 1/1/1/1/1
i have been using this profile for months with no problem
this started happening after the last update/maintenance
this is a problem that just started with no changes to my computer or isboxer profile
well i did install new fans and coolmaster cpu cooler and did massive clean of Gtx650 fan and computer
come to think of it the computer had been crashing when playing wow and i belive it was a heat issue with the gtx650 fan not increaseing
fix was to clean and add msi afterburner to regulate fan speed
at which time i went and upgraded my case fans by 2 and installed coolmaster cpu fan/heat sink
using program speedfan i had notice high temp in gtx650 and on cpu and hard drives
after cleaning and installing new fans/cpu cooler temp are back to norm 18-44c
ooops sry getting off topic....
i was using the cpu 6/6/6/6 but went with round robin due to system crashes may have been related to heat issue
have already cleared profiles by uninstall/reinstall isboxer/innerspace also did it thru menu {file}
it not programs running due to the fact it was working before
the crashes was due to heat alarm on cpu and gtx650
i did read some where miria said interact with target could cause problem
i also run mapped keys with 3 dps rotation setup each with 5 steps

isboxer toolkit profile:
https://www.zerobin.net/?3b4bbfc89d7049 ... sUsMWi8U0=

it seems that something is trying to access memory that it shouldnt



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Post Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:19 am

Re: Wow Error #132

fixed hopefully:
set isboxer - variable keystrokes - interact with target to same as key map - base hotkeys - interact with target
wow key bind to same as key map - base hotkeys - interact with target
interact with target NOT set to auto interact in virtual map keys in character set note: there are 2 interact with target in virtual keys interact and auto interact which is set to no mapped key
even tho i had it setup in pro had to modify this to stop the 132 error memory read

isboxer push interact with target - home
game key bind - pageup.......removed

wow key bind - pageup....changed to home

now all push home
no more error 132...so far

normal operation no programs turned off /addon on

innerspace set to launch 32/64 launcher/default

so far finger crossed



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Post Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:40 am

Re: Wow Error #132

not fixed completely......did it again
it may have to do with how fast i use it
i use it alot to keep melee on target
again slot 2 who is a priest a caster
hmmm i wonder if that has something to do with it
but again it never did it before this last maintenance Tuesday

o well heres looking at you kid



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Post Sun Jul 16, 2017 6:55 pm

Re: Wow Error #132

ok i can now confirm caster and melee group causes problem with IWT
where the caster will throw a wow error #132 when you use IWT
using an all melee group i have yet to throw a wow error #132
maybe if i remove IWT on caster wow key bind ?

outside of this problem all other aspects work

this one on you kid



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:38 pm

Re: Wow Error #132

I didn't look at your profile previously, but and after having a read back....
The game is probably being starved of CPU. You should really be using a select all cpus for all windows (or select no cpus - let the game decide) strategy. Using a round robin of 1/1/1/1/1/, is just limiting it, and probably going to general CPU spikes which will cause crashes. If you think you have heat issues, changing the CPU strategy isn't really a good solution.

It is possible you have some other stability things going on. If you have an overclocked CPU, it has been known for errata to occur, and cause issues.

Based on the provided profile, IWT wouldn't be working anyway as the Variable Keystroke - Interact With Target is not set.


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Post Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:27 pm

Re: Wow Error #132

yes the heat issue is fixed
i have tried it with all cpu and none [let game decide]
as you can see in my last post it is a problem with using a caster with melee in a 4 slot group
yes i tred all config in variable key strokes
trust me i tred alot
i am now running and all melee group and have not had one crash at all
2 palli,rogue,and a DH
IWT set in variable keys to home
IWT set in base hot keys to home
wow keybind set to home
and all is well
i just can get a caster to work without crashing to a wow error #132 when use IWT
tommorrow if i remember i will remove the wow keybind on the caster and try that
but so far so good on all melee group [no crashes]
set to all cpu

hey bigman let me hold a dollar



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Post Sat Jul 29, 2017 1:18 pm

Re: Wow Error #132

IWT wow error 132 with caster in group with melee

removing WOW keybind IWT in caster clears wow error 132
but the caster can no longer loot or move to/face target
this seems to be happening to any caster i place in a group of melee
and it is always the casters no matter which slot i put them in
does not happen when all casters
or with all melee

does not work with caster wow keybind set to mouse over
does seem to work with caster interact with mouseover set to same as IWT in isboxer and melee wow keybind IWT set to same as isboxer IWT
in other words set caster wow keybind to interact with mouseover
works as long as you dont talk to quest giver...just crashed 132 when i talked to quest giver using iwt
i tought maybe it was due to no target for caster but it wasnt
this seems to work as long as you dont use it when you talk to quest giver or npc
ok this seems to have to do with area with no target for caster {eg caster has already completed quest}
setting mouseover to other target or no target causes 132 error
just used it to talk to repair and all windows worked...no wow error 132
so far so good

Crash and burn do not use when in area with no quest for caster that has completeed quest...wow error 132

no go the only thing that works is to set caster wow keybind to none [unbind]

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