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Focus game windows via mouse

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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:15 am

Focus game windows via mouse

I run 4 accounts on three computers(1 character per screen, full screen borderless with no swapping) with multi-computer helper thing turned on...I have everything working well except I decided to add on my main 2 monitor computer(The second one is a single monitor and the third is a laptop) in the windows layouts "Focus game windows via mouse without clicking (focus follows mouse)...Usually everything works really well, but sometimes when the mouse is clearly on the left screen and I am using the arrow keys to move the left character the right character will take off like it was made the active window(with the mouse clearly in the other window)...If I am pulling with my monk on the left screen and heading back with a mob and all the sudden my ranger on the other screen starts moving bad things happen...Is this feature bugged or is there something that causes issues.

I was just moving my right screen character around Plane of knowledge and all of the sudden my left screen character in the guild hall started moving...The only buttons that are being presses are up, down, left and right for movement.

I really like the idea of not having to click to activate the other screen...Hopefully this is a known issue or easy to figure out.


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:56 am

Re: Focus game windows via mouse

To be clear about one thing first, Focus Follows Mouse has absolutely no way of working between multiple PCs, even if you are using a software KVM like Input Director to use the same mouse across your 3 computers.

A few questions.
1. Are you using a software KVM to share the same mouse between your multiple PCs?
1a. Is the actual mouse/touchpad on the other PCs also being used? (Or even a possibility of being nudged, bumped, etc a single pixel?)
2. Are you using Mouse Broadcasting at any point?

I totally get why you want to use this feature, and it would be nice if multiple PCs and software KVMs didn't complicate the matter ;)


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:12 am

Re: Focus game windows via mouse

I am not using 3 computers and 1 mouse, I use 3 computers and three programmable mice, 1 per computer...I am not trying to get 1 mouse to work with three comps, I just want the dual monitor computer that runs 1 instance fullscreenish on each monitor with one mouse, make each instance active when the mouse is on that monitor without have the extra click every time...Most of the time the focus via mouse works awesome, but sometimes the unselected instance on the other screen with take off while the mouse clearly isn't on that screen. I have no hotkeys for swapping or anything like that.


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:16 am

Re: Focus game windows via mouse

lax wrote:A few questions.
1. Are you using a software KVM to share the same mouse between your multiple PCs?


1a. Is the actual mouse/touchpad on the other PCs also being used? (Or even a possibility of being nudged, bumped, etc a single pixel?)

its being used in general but not at the moment of the issue as I only have 1 left hand (Don't think so)

2. Are you using Mouse Broadcasting at any point?


I have 3 character sets, 1 for the main computer with 2 characters, 1 for the other desktop, and 1 for my laptop...The Focus game window thing is only enabled on the main 2 monitor character set that I run on my dual monitor computer.


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:23 am

Re: Focus game windows via mouse


In that case I can only say that there is no known issue like this with Focus Follows Mouse on the same PC, even with multiple monitors and your described settings.

If you want to share your configuration we can take a peek if you'd like. http://isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing
It may also help to have a Compatibility diagnostics from ISBoxer's Help menu -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Diagnostics. This will help us identify possible interference from other software, etc.


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:52 pm

Re: Focus game windows via mouse

http://pastebin.com/76nteXTv should be my configuration


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Post Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:05 pm

Re: Focus game windows via mouse

So tonight I removed everything that was suspicious from my config and it still did it(running left character forward, right character would take become active for no reason and take off) and it still is doing it...The funny part is that windows 10 actually has a build in function in ease of access that auto swaps windows when they are hovered over...The Isboxer one is better because its faster and there is no lag and it turns off when the game is closed out...The windows one is on all the time and I had to modify my registry to make it instant...I hope I can get this sorted out in isboxer because it makes playing two melees at the same time so easy.

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