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NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

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Post Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:48 pm

NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

I have just started using NeverBoxer and have a few issues.

These all seem to revolve around the key binds I think.

First of all lets make sure I have the naming down correctly, from the photos and guide I have done this when creating a new character:
Name of character in the character list: char@account
Actual character name: char
Game Server name:
Account name: email address of account
Sub-account name:

From this I get a binds file called isboxer-charset-char@account-binds.txt. If I open that file I see the line that says
Control+Delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt"
from this you can see that the actual bind doesn't include the @account part. I have created new files with the correct names but realise this only affects when doing CTRL+DEL in game.

What is the best way to check that the binds file has loaded correctly?

Anomolies I have noted:
Invite - sends the pop up text but no invites. Binds file: F13 "invite char1$$invite char2$$invite char3"
None of the Fov commands to seem to work.
Great Weapon Fighter action target group is missing from the Combat Key Maps. I have set to Guardian Fighter for the moment.

I am also getting a lot of mouse jumpiness when playing Neverwinter through ISBoxer, has anyone else experienced this?
It isn't performance related as I get the same when playing a single character through the ISBoxer launcher.

Edit: other things:
- pressing F7 will not invite characters - I am using a Logitech G19s keyboard and remember reading on these forums that someone with a french keyboard was having issues. Could the G19s not be mapping the F buttons correctly?
- I am using a Steam installed version of the game, not sure if that makes a difference to ISBoxer

Edit 2:
If the binds are all defined in the Cryptic Studios Macro helper why do we need a txt file for each character?
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Post Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:14 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness


Welcome to multi-boxing Neverwinter. Let's try a couple things to see if we can't improve your situation.

To answer your question of why we need the text files, it's simply because you need them to manually load in the binds from a file when you first log in each character. Originally the files were virtualized by ISBoxer and auto-loaded, but this process no longer works under Neverwinter and hasn't since beta. But before you start loading them in...

Use the commands “/clear” and "/unbind_all" in the chat window to clear any old binds out of the game before using NeverBoxer. Sometimes Neverwinter gets "confused" with it's binds and things can go crazy. Nobody knows why, but it's a quirk of the game...

The step-by-step goes as follows:

Proceed with the character launching (see install guide) and then manually load the bind files upon logging in each individual character. These files are specific to each character and are created by ISBoxer and are located in your Neverwinter Online game directory - look there for the exact spelling of the filenames. So to load the binds, (for each character repeat this) enter the commands “/clear” and “/unbind all”. This will clear any previous or corrupted binds out of the game session. Next type “/bind_load_file isboxer-TEAM_NAME-CharacterName@account-binds.txt” where you insert your TEAM NAME and CHARACTERNAME and ACCOUNT into the text for the binds filename that you type in. It looks like this in the game’s console (chat box):

/bind_load_file isboxer-TEAM_NAME-CharacterName@account-binds.txt

As for the Great Weapon Fighter, it along with the Ranger, are not recommended for multi-boxing groups. DC, CW and GF are the proven class types included in NeverBoxer. You can create a Ranger or GWF action target group if you would like, just use the other classes as a guide. You will experience difficulties with a party mix other than DC, CW and GF, however.

The mouse jittering is unfamiliar to me, and I've not seen any other posts here in the forums about that problem. It is likely system specific, and I recommend you check your CPU setup under ISBoxer and optimize your graphics card setup under Neverwinter as shown in the Neverwinter graphics optimization guide here in the forums.

I also have no experience with the G19. I recommend searching the forums for other G19 users and see what possible issues they have had. Typically these issues are common within ISBoxer and likely require a bit of key-map tweaking to use your controller as desired. Yes, there have been issues with French keyboard users when multi-boxing Neverwinter. It has to do with the fact that Neverwinter does not support those keycodes. Using a US keyboard seems to remove the problem. It is not an ISBoxer or NeverBoxer issue, rather more to do with the actual game.

I have never used the Steam version of Neverwinter, however, seeing how others are actively using NeverBoxer and ISBoxer to multi-box Neverwinter, it must not be an issue.

Hopefully that answers your initial questions; try some of those suggestions and let us know what has improved.
- Sylver


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Post Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:19 pm

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

Thanks for the reply LAX.

I was asking about the character naming as my bind files are named differently than in the helper.

The helper is calling:
unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-{CHARACTERSET}-{CHARACTER}-binds.txt

Whereas the actual bind file is called isboxer-{CHARACTERSET}-{CHARACTER}@ACCOUNT-binds.txt

Funnily enough inside the binds.txt file it is referenced without the @ACCOUNT as well. I was wondering if I had my character naming incorrectly so that the file/references were incorrect?

Mouse stuttering is odd, not dependent on performance as happens when I am playing a single character through InnerSpace. I do have a lot of different input devices connected to the computer at the moment as I have been trying them out in Elite Dangerous.

I'll get back to more testing :)
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Post Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:25 pm

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

You may want to have a read through this page on GPU Management.
Because ISBoxer has to force you games to run in Windowed Mode, and CrossFire only works in Full Screen, you may be experiencing the effects of some of the Cross Monitor Swapping.

Feel free to attribute to Lax too :).


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Post Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:51 pm

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

bob wrote:You may want to have a read through this page on GPU Management.
Because ISBoxer has to force you games to run in Windowed Mode, and CrossFire only works in Full Screen, you may be experiencing the effects of some of the Cross Monitor Swapping.

Feel free to attribute to Lax too :).

Haha, Sorry Sylver. The email notifications come through from Lax and I always forget to check the actual reply.

I actually have my cards split - one per monitor for multiboxing. A single 7970 runs two instances of Neverwinter just fine.

After more testing I have another issue, after playing for a while or doing a certain sequence of of combat moves my interact key (F) will stop working. At that point lots of the key maps stop working as well. Weird, need to drop to char select and back in.

Edit: Yep, unplugged XBox controller, Saitek Evo Joystick, CH Fighterstick and 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator - one of them was causing the mouse stutter.
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Post Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:45 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

Well, if you aren't cross monitor swapping, even unintentionally, then perhaps a diagnostic is needed.


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Post Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:08 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

bob wrote:Well, if you aren't cross monitor swapping, even unintentionally, then perhaps a diagnostic is needed.

Thanks Bob, solved it and edited above post. It was a joystick or something connected to my PC. Once I knew no one else had the issue I went for the most likely culprit.

On the plus side I have a duo working pretty well. Jumping straight in to 5 boxing may have been a bit ambitious. Hell, just getting all the buggers into a foundry to sort out the mess was like herding cats...
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Post Sat Feb 07, 2015 6:37 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

As for the keys not working after time, keep in mind that CTRL+SHIFT+M will toggle key maps on and off. When this happens, you will deactivate the key maps (useful for typing in the chat box) and lose control of the characters.

Glad to hear that you're making progress with the configuration and I hope you enjoy Neverwinter.
- Sylver


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Post Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:11 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

pox67 wrote:
bob wrote:Well, if you aren't cross monitor swapping, even unintentionally, then perhaps a diagnostic is needed.

Thanks Bob, solved it and edited above post. It was a joystick or something connected to my PC. Once I knew no one else had the issue I went for the most likely culprit.

On the plus side I have a duo working pretty well. Jumping straight in to 5 boxing may have been a bit ambitious. Hell, just getting all the buggers into a foundry to sort out the mess was like herding cats...
Pox, Glad you are off to the races....

One thing I learned in hindsight was that I regretted rushing to cap with just my duo (GF+DC). It worked well and was pretty easy but later, when I wanted to do 5boxing for 5mans, I had to level up at least 3 more. I then started 5 boxing and leveling up using NeverBoxer but petered out at ~40th level as I got burned out leveling again...

If you think you will want to do 5mans, unless you are confident you won't burn out, as soon as you are comfortable with your duo I recommend you switch to the 5man group you want to take to cap. In my case I had already duo'ed to cap before NeverBoxer was even out of Beta and my PC couldn't handle the load of 5 clients without both NeverBoxer and the frame-rate throttling (Lax fixed that issue around the time Neverwinter left Beta). I didn't have the benefits of the NeverBoxer & Frame-rate throttling (if you need it) but since you do I would take advantage of it.

Lastly, if/when you start doing 5man dungeons at cap, please don't forget to post to the 'List of NeverWinter Multi-Box Teams & Accomplishments' thread:


You are welcome to post with what challenges you are facing and any walls you are hitting and get some help/feedback. Regarding 5man teams, you can read about various experiences in that thread but thus far the most successful documented group makeup has been 5man:DCx2+CWx2+GF.

I was interested in trying in some Rangers as they seemed pretty powerful and started leveling some also but petered out & don't know anyone who made them a part of their main 5man group so at best they are untested compared to the above group...


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Post Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:17 am

Re: NeverBoxer - keybinds and mouse jerkiness

I apologize for the harsh tone of part of the original content of this post.

Sylver wrote:To answer your question of why we need the text files, it's simply because you need them to manually load in the binds from a file when you first log in each character. Originally the files were virtualized by ISBoxer and auto-loaded, but this process no longer works under Neverwinter and hasn't since beta. But before you start loading them in...

I just tested this *right now*, and it all works as I originally described.


ISBoxer does correctly virtualize the files and this has worked since beta. I apparently failed to describe it well enough for people to follow early on and the confusion has remained for a long time. Maybe I can explain it well enough this time, and provide enough details... but first, thanks Sylver for putting in so much work helping people multibox Neverwinter -- I don't mean to demean that by contradicting you here, but some minor changes in the process that has been shared are necessary to take advantage of the system.

Note: The only thing that does not work is auto-loading binds via the Launcher command-line option. If you replace the / with a - (noting that the available command-line options start with -, like -CommandLineFile, -game_demo, etc), says this:
Trying to execute non-command-line command <<bind_load_file>> on the command line

Now, as far as the virtualization, here is what happens... You Export to Inner Space, and ISBoxer creates:
1. An EMPTY, ZERO-LENGTH, isboxer-binds.txt. This is absolutely, 100%, correct. This must exist for the virtualization portion to happen.
2. Character-specific files, isboxer-CHARSET-CHAR-binds.txt
Then, any time the game attempts to access isboxer-binds.txt, it is redirected to isboxer-CHARSET-CHAR-binds.txt. So, /bind_load_file isboxer.txt, is going to load isboxer-CHARSET-CHAR-binds.txt instead. Is this working? Yes. Yes it is.

That's all the same as Star Trek Online, which I did a video for, including a demo of loading the binds once in game.

First of all lets make sure I have the naming down correctly, from the photos and guide I have done this when creating a new character:
Name of character in the character list: char@account
Actual character name: char
Game Server name:
Account name: email address of account
Sub-account name:

From this I get a binds file called isboxer-charset-char@account-binds.txt. If I open that file I see the line that says
Control+Delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt"
from this you can see that the actual bind doesn't include the @account part. I have created new files with the correct names but realise this only affects when doing CTRL+DEL in game.

The "Actual character name" is used when generating your macros, because it is expected to be what is required to deal with your character in-game. The "display name" is used when creating the bind filenames. In other words, if you want your generated Macros to include the @account, put that in the Actual name field!

Regardless, the macro works perfectly fine as this, and this is what I would recommend replacing it with...
Control+Delete "unbind_all$$bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt"

... because that is the intended way to do it using the virtualization, and it works correctly. Yes. Yes, it does.

I tested it just now, and so can you. Here's a relatively simple test.
1. Export to Inner Space and open up the Neverwinter\Live folder, and find the isboxer-binds.txt files.
2. Open up whichever isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt you want to test with
3. Replace the isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt in your Control+Delete line with isboxer-binds.txt
4. Manually add in something like F2 "bind_save_file mybinds-test.txt"
5. save the file
6. IN THE GAME, enter in /unbind_all and then /bind_load_file isboxer-binds.txt
7. Press F2 in the game.
8. Observe that mybinds-test.txt now exists in the Neverwinter\Live folder, with your binds in it.

You can further test that your Control+Delete macro works, using only isboxer-binds.txt, by making another change manually to the file. Press Control+Delete to re-load it, press F2 to re-save it to mybinds-test.txt, and observe that your isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt file is duplicated into mybinds-test.txt, despite not having manually entered the full "isboxer-charset-char-binds.txt" anywhere in-game.

I believe that 99% of the confusion around this has been related to the game's online storage of macros, combined with not using "unbind_all" before loading a bind file. I think there is less confusion about that part now, which is why the reload macro uses unbind_all.

Hope that clears this up.

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