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How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

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Post Sat May 31, 2014 4:11 pm

How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

Hi, I'm a female multi-boxer. I've been multi-boxing LOTRO with a 6 member female team for 3 months now, so got the basic down. I've been farming turbine points for the past 3 weeks to purchase the store specials that are going on over the summer. I have 12 accounts and I have to go between two 6-man teams to farm the turbine points for the 12 accounts and would like to form a single TEAM of 12. But can't figure how to do that. Only the first 5 alts follow my main character and the other six do not. I looked all over the Internet on information on how form a team with over 6 members and found nothing. Has anyone here ever formed a team larger than 6 and could you please share it with the rest of us who would like to also. Thank You, Very Much!!!


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Post Sat May 31, 2014 10:13 pm

Re: How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

I presume if you set your targeting specifically for the name of your main character (creating /target [Name] alias on your hotbar) rather than using F2, you can make your other 11 females to follow her and assist in combat.

However, you mention the idea is to farm TPs, and the main source for those is kill deeds. Since you would need to convert your fellowship to raid to include all 12 of your characters (right-click on main's portrait, select "fellowship" and "convert to raid" so that you can invite all your alts), you should be aware that most kill deeds can't be advanced while in a raid. If you intend to farm rep tokens to use on new female characters for reputation deeds (50 TP for kindred in any rep, delete character and create new one and so on), then you'd need to check if loot for raid group in non-raid zones drops for everyone or not (if at all).

Besides, I am pretty sure raid groups cannot enter regular 6-woman dungeons, and if you start frollicking around landscape with 12 females, you are bound to get reported.


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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:03 am

Re: How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

Thank you so much for the reply Skarling. Yes, I knew about needing to convert into a raid for any team over 6. But, I didn't know that when raiding you couldn't advance the deed's needed for the TP's. So I am going to stick with the current setup I have. So far I have no problem with getting reported with my current 6 female team, another reason as you pointed out to stick with the current setup. Thanks for the information on (creating /target [Name] alias on your hotbar) specifically for the name of your main character (creating /target [Name] alias on your hotbar) rather than using F2, you can make your other 11 females to follow her and assist in combat. I’m still going to give this a try on a side project; I love learning new information about multi-boxing with ISBOXER.

Again, THANKS Skarling!


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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:56 am

Re: How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

Hello britian777, welcome to the forum! :)

You should have opened this thread under the game LOTRO subsection in this forum because your question is really LOTRO specific :(

Sorry Skarling, i have to disagree with you in all your points:

#1 There is no ''/target [Name]'' command in LOTRO, never was, never will be. So we have to stick to targeting our group with Variable Keystrokes (F1 to F6) (we can not target people directly with keypresses in a raid!)

#2 There are no ''non-raid zones'' where drops or kills are not rewarded to people who are in a raid. Just to clarify what i mean: If you want to have loot for everybody in your raid you have to make sure that atleast ONE person from EVERY group make damage to the mob. This will grant all other people, even when not dealing damage or healing, loot.

#3 No, if you start frolicking in the starter areas or other areas to farm reputation items, you will NOT get reported just for doing that. Have an open eye for other people who do the same and send them a nice tell, ask them to join your raid (you do all the work) and have a nice chat while farming.

I myself have 15 accounts which i use to grind reputation items. My 6 ''main''-accounts are all Runekeepers, all others are something else (hunters for run speed, minstrels for occasional healing, captains for calling/porting, etc). In my setup i run with 3 groups, each with 5 characters. In each group are 2 Runekeeper who only deal damage (skill ''ceaseless argument'' on quickslot 2).

To answer your question on how to ''implement'' this in ISBoxer:
Make a Character Set with all your 12 characters.
Create a Mapped Key to invite your team and after inviting minimum 1 character create a raid (use the command /raid create).
Create a Mapped Key which sends a keypress to ALL your gameclients.
The next steps you have to do ingame:
Make sure that only on those characters who should deal damage is a skill in the quickslot ingame.
Switch to your raidleader, type O, then click RAID and order the raid per drag and drop how you like it. Remember to make sure that in each group is one character who can deal damage.
Then rightclick your raidleaders avatar (left upper corner) and under RAID create a raid assistant for the raidleader. Per default on every gameclient this little assist window is opened on the same position.
Create on your raidleader a repeater region with target ''all other''. Everytime you click in this area every other character in your raid will target you. Then you can press Alt+F to make them follow you as usual ans using targeting-through-you you can deal damage to mobs.

Now go and kill Orks!
Oh i forgot: Make sure that on all characters, that should not deal damage, the quickslot for your damagebutton (for example key 1) is empty...

Have fun! ... and if you have a follow question, please ask.


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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:57 am

Re: How do set up more than a six man team? 12 in my case!

:) I was not trying to be antagonistic at all :)

Kaische wrote: #1 There is no ''/target [Name]'' command in LOTRO, never was, never will be.

I appologize, I was not sure myself, so I said "I presume". Obviously my presumption was incorrect. I myself use F1-F6. On the other hand if it's for farming, I guess you could consider "skill target forwarding" and just keep your main as target at all times, makes for easier follow too.

Kaische wrote:#2 There are no ''non-raid zones'' where drops or kills are not rewarded to people who are in a raid

Good, when I said "you'd need to check if loot for raid group in non-raid zones drops for everyone or not (if at all)" I meant I had no answer to that myself. So you confirm it does, provided each group has a damage hit on the target. Cool :)
My main point was that landscape and 6-men dungeon slayer deeds cannot be done by raid group, it least that's what Lotro forum claims to be the case (quote - "The only time you won't get credit for normal world slayer deeds, is if your party goes beyond 6 & converts to a raid. ")

Kaische wrote:#3 No, if you start frolicking in the starter areas or other areas to farm reputation items, you will NOT get reported

Hmm, on my Evernight server people are significantly less tolerant when they see my 6-men doing deeds, I had tells like "bot"/"cheater"/"I reported you"... Lotro loot system is very generous to multiboxers as it is, and personally I am happy with 6-man yields.

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