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New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

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Post Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:11 am

New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

HI - sorry to open such basic tread, but I tried for hours and can't figure out on my own.

Issus is: I installed isboxer and innerspace, have paid account and all that. I have used the wizard to help me set the configuration up. However, everytime I log into game (aion in my case) I log into the game (using innerspace and the character set made with the wizard), but I never get to see my windows side by side as I set it up. And one of my characters can't move at all if I focus on that character. All keyboard or mouse commands does not work.

So, how can I log into the game characters (I am using only 2 characters) and window them side by side?



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Post Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:37 am

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

So, without seeing your config, it is hard to know if you have inadvertently removed the Window Layout settings from the character set. I'd say not if you've tried a few times, but it is always a potential.

Other than that, there are usually three choices.

1. You have another piece of software which is interfering. This would be something with an overlay, or potentially that likes to hook into you game. Get a diagnostic for crashes and we can have a look (yes, I know, you aren't crashing; that function is just named that).
2. You have Windows Display scaling enabled (like set to something other than 100%), so it is moving your layout to places that it should not be.
3. There was a game update somewhere along the line and it needs patching (unlikely though).

Screen shots are always useful too.

ps. I am assuming at this point you are launching Aion by pointing Inner Space to the bin file and using parameters. This may also make a difference.


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Post Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:59 am

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

Hey, thanks so much for a quick reply!

You are right, I should have given more info, so let's start with this:
1) I use 2 monitores, both of them are at 100% but I use only one for gaming. So let me know if I must shut down one monitor or something
2) I use battleping with the game, not sure if this interacts with this stuff
3) I have a windows 10 Pro 64 bits, but I am running Aion with 32 bits trick
4) computer is 16Gb RAM Intel core i7 CPU 3.4Ghz
5) Diagnostics: http://pastebin.com/9cDjzmkT
6) All game updates were taken care of, so I guess this might not be it.
7) All Aion parameters were done as directed.

Let me know if I did this right, it's my first time doing all this stuff!

Another thing might be helpful to add is that the second character is always the one that freezes, so if I start with A, B is the one that key/mouse does not work. If I start with B, happens with A. So I guess must be something I am doing wrong, besides the window side by side not working.

Best to you all!


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Post Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:16 pm

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

I'm not sure this will help fix your problem or not, but I believe you should be using straight windowed mode in the in-game options. Using any other settings causes weird behavior with Aion. I can double check this later today (assuming I don't forget >_>)


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Post Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:37 pm

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

HI Mirai

First of all, let me say I am a big fan! :mrgreen:

Look, although I changed this in the in-game options, I am still having issues. I ran character set from InnerSpace and it stops launching the other charcarter slots, right after the first. This is the innerspace log, see below. The server does not " shut down" or anything in order to start the other slot, and the game does not show the isboxer keys in the top left. It's like it did not launch at all. I saw all your set up videos, I have no idea what I am doing wrong.

17:17:01 ISBoxer: Preparing to launch Character Set 'AionTest01' Slot 2 only
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Settings imported from ISBoxerToolkit.GeneralSettings.XML
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Making sure Characters in Character Set 'AionTest01' are valid...
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Good!
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Launching Character Set 'AionTest01' Slot 2 only...
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Launching Slot 2 Character 'Lyhlith'
uccessfully executed '"C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher\NCLauncher.exe" /LauncherID:"NCWest" /CompanyID:"12"
GameID:"AION" /LUpdateAddr:"updater.nclauncher.ncsoft.com"exe path: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher'.
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Character Set 'AionTest01' Slot 2 launched
17:17:01 ISBoxer: Instructions completed.

Do you have any other idea what I could try to fix this?


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Post Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:13 pm

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

Is nclauncher already running when you try to launch your team or a character through ISBoxer? Close it first. It needs to be closed before you start your team and after each toon is launched. (When ISBoxer 2 comes around it makes sure the launcher is closed for you ;) )


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Post Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:07 pm

Re: New to Isboxer; can't run game in separate windows

Hi Iax

Yes NClauncher is completely closed when I start loading the character set from Innerspace. The launcher then starts, but the client keeps active. It does not close automatically in order to run the second slot. Then even if I close the cliente and redo the char set load, same happens. There is no windown for isboxer open with the game. If I close the client, I can't see the game at all.

Can't really figure out what am I doing wrong... :?

So, to clarify, I end up with 2 aion client open and no isboxer with characters slip in the window arrangement I created in Isboxer.

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