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Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:57 am

Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

So, I've litterally just played the game and not changed anything and since a week or so back, InnerSpace won't launch the rest of the clients after the first one has loaded.
I have to launch character set again five times. Tried to make a new group now but that didn't fix it. And from my limited knowledge I can't find anything wrong. This is what InnerSpace console says when trying to launch.

| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Preparing to launch Character Set 'Trove Test'
| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Settings imported from ISBoxerToolkit.GeneralSettings.XML
| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Making sure Characters in Character Set 'Trove Test' are valid...
| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Good!
| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Launching Character Set 'Trove Test' all slots...
| 18:52:02 ISBoxer: Launching Slot 1 Character 'T1'
Successfully executed '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\GlyphClient.exe"'.
Session launched (is1): "C:/Program Files (x86)/Glyph/Games/Trove/Live/trove.exe"
| 18:52:18 ISBoxer: Launching Slot 2 Character 'T2'
Successfully executed '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\GlyphClient.exe"'.

And it just stops there, does nothing until I relaunch.

| 18:55:37 ISBoxer: Launching Character Set 'Trove Test all slots...
| 18:55:37 ISBoxer: Slot 1 already launched. Updating it to character 'T1' in Character
Set 'Trove Team'
| 18:55:37 ISBoxer: Launching Slot 2 Character 'T2'
Successfully executed '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\GlyphClient.exe"'.

Rinse repeat. Is there any way to fix this? Well I'm sure there is. :P But is there a way I can fix this? Preferably without having to reinstall Glyph/Trove yet again. :)


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Post Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:17 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

You either need to manually close Glyph after each launch (and then click to launch your team to continue launching), or set Glyph to exit after launching a game (this is in the Glyph settings under Advanced, "AFTER GAME LAUNCH" set to "Exit Glyph") -- ISBoxer does not currently set that for you. When it goes to launch session 2, and Glyph is already open, it can't do anything because only one instance of the launcher is allowed.

This setting is saved separate per Character, but when you make a new Character Set with new Characters, each of them will copy from your main (non-ISBoxer) Glyph settings.


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Post Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:51 am

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

I've done that since a while back, and it's still set to that. Glyph does close, and I've tried to close it manually to do it a bit faster than Glyph itself does. Neither of the ways works.

I'm guessing that I've messed up somehow, like before if you recall when IsBoxer wouldn't save the information per account. That was due to my trying to launch with another program that somehow effed stuff up for IsBoxer. Even though all the files were correct there still was an issue. This time I can't recall doing anything to try and tweak it but no doubt that's the case. :P

I'll probably try and reinstall glyph and remake all the files again to see if that works.


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Post Mon Aug 24, 2015 1:47 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

If you monitor, even with Task Manager, that when Glyph closes, does the GlyphCLient.exe actually shut down?? Even if the UI goes away, maybe the actual executable is not shutting down.

It might also be useful to provide a diagnostics, as this may show something that could be interfering..


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Post Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:53 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

bob wrote:If you monitor, even with Task Manager, that when Glyph closes, does the GlyphCLient.exe actually shut down?? Even if the UI goes away, maybe the actual executable is not shutting down.

It might also be useful to provide a diagnostics, as this may show something that could be interfering..

By using task manager I can see that InnerSpace launches the second Glyph the very instance I click play. So before the game has a chance to load/initialize the second glyph is already trying to load and fail in doing so. Leaving the first client to finish and then just sit and wait.

As for diagnostic, should I use it on glyph.exe or trove.exe? I don't think there is any interference with those. Since the game runs just fine, but since a couple of weeks back or something, IS is only launching (well it's launching the rest apparently but too fast) one client. I tried to edit the ISBoxerToolkit.GeneralSettings.XML where it says "delay on lauching next client" but seemed to have zero effect. :p


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Post Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:22 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

If I close Glyph manually via task manager as soon as game screen starts up, it launches other clients. Had one fail in several tries. Here too like the other thread about my CPU/GPU? issues, I feel that it's the configuration on my end somehow. Not that there is something else interfering with Trove/Glyph per say.


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Post Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:18 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

ussmbox wrote:By using task manager I can see that InnerSpace launches the second Glyph the very instance I click play. So before the game has a chance to load/initialize the second glyph is already trying to load and fail in doing so. Leaving the first client to finish and then just sit and wait.

Inner Space is not launching another Glyph client when the first one is still running. What you're seeing is the standard behavior from the launcher, and it shows a second process for only a split second while the game launches.

ussmbox wrote:If I close Glyph manually via task manager as soon as game screen starts up, it launches other clients.

What you're saying here only leads me believe that you're not actually exiting the Glyph Client to begin with, since you wouldn't be able to "kill" it through the Task Manager if it had actually been closed down. Using the Glyph Launcher (or any launcher) is a very straightforward process: Start the launcher > start the game > close the launcher > repeat this process for as many clients as you want to launch.


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Post Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:18 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

MiRai wrote:
ussmbox wrote:By using task manager I can see that InnerSpace launches the second Glyph the very instance I click play. So before the game has a chance to load/initialize the second glyph is already trying to load and fail in doing so. Leaving the first client to finish and then just sit and wait.

Inner Space is not launching another Glyph client when the first one is still running. What you're seeing is the standard behavior from the launcher, and it shows a second process for only a split second while the game launches.

ussmbox wrote:If I close Glyph manually via task manager as soon as game screen starts up, it launches other clients.

What you're saying here only leads me believe that you're not actually exiting the Glyph Client to begin with, since you wouldn't be able to "kill" it through the Task Manager if it had actually been closed down. Using the Glyph Launcher (or any launcher) is a very straightforward process: Start the launcher > start the game > close the launcher > repeat this process for as many clients as you want to launch.

After 2 hours of recording and editing and 1 hour of uploading, here you go.



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Post Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:49 pm

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

So, the second glyphclient you see during the process is probably the launcher creating a process, which is being picked up by the polling of TaskManager, and then that process is started, Windows takes over (well, ntdll does anyway), and it turns into your game client. You should be able to follow the ProcessId to confirm this.

From what I can tell, the first portion is you launching your team, it opens GlyphClient, you log in, opens Trove. You wait, then close Trove. I'm not sure why you do this?. You launch your team again, glyph opens, you login in, launch a game, it loads up, you end task on glyph, it loads the next one, you log in, launch a game.... pretty much the second time is what has been explained as the process for Trove.

You could off course set
lax wrote:Glyph to exit after launching a game (this is in the Glyph settings under Advanced, "AFTER GAME LAUNCH" set to "Exit Glyph")
as then you wouldn't have to try and kill it via task manager. Or is this what your post is about??? i.e. you've set this setting and it doesn't work?

You could try setting ISBoxer for a longer time between client launches. You can do this on your Character Set. Bumping this up to 5 - 10 seconds can help certain game launchers and provide enough time for them to exit cleanly, before attempting to load the second launcher process. This will only work if the Exit Launcher option has been set and the launcher is closing cleanly.

You could try providing the diagnostics requested earlier. It is possible something else hooking the game is interfering or there is some AppCompatibility setting. A diagnostic would show this up.
If you can't be bothered, then just looking at your video I'm going to suggest you shutdown Spybot completely, and uninstall the TeaTimer if you have it running. Also the Razer In Game Engine and it's associated goodies. There may be other things that I can't see under the standard task list, but that would be a start.


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Post Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:18 am

Re: Not launching 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th client

bob wrote:From what I can tell, the first portion is you launching your team, it opens GlyphClient, you log in, opens Trove. You wait, then close Trove. I'm not sure why you do this?. You launch your team again, glyph opens, you login in, launch a game, it loads up, you end task on glyph, it loads the next one, you log in, launch a game.... pretty much the second time is what has been explained as the process for Trove..

Hey, just a quick reply here before I do a more proper one. The thing with the video was just to show MiRai that if I launch normally, InnerSpace does not launch second, third, forth or fifth client. But if I close down Glyph manually via task manager, InnerSpace launches second client. If I would continue to manually close down Glyph, the third and forth and fifth client would also launch.

I will try and get a diagnostic thingie going. :)

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