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Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 5:22 am

Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

I tried following the instructions given in

http://isboxer.com/wiki/HOWTO:Configure ... like_a_pro

I was able to follow everything correctly until

Add Combat Hotkeys to the Key Maps Toggle
First of all, if you will ever want to use the Hotkeys you configured under Combat Hotkeys for a different purpose -- like to type in a chat window, enter your password, or whatever else -- you will want a way to temporarily disable these Hotkeys. The easiest way to do this is to add it to the existing toggle that the Quick Setup Wizard configured for you. In the top left pane, under Key Maps, select either "Control" (WoW) or "Always On" (Non-WoW) depending on the game you're playing. Then, in the bottom left pane, expand "Activate Maps" so that underneath it you see Steps 1 and 2. Step 1 will temporarily disable various Key Maps via Key Map State Actions, while Step 2 will turn them back on. Select Step 1 of Activate Maps in the bottom left pane, then right click Actions (to the right) and select New Key Map State Action (under Key Map Actions). For Target, select "Window:All w/ Current", and for Key Map select "Combat Hotkeys". Because the other Key Maps we added do not have Hotkeys, you do not need to disable the extra Key Maps (it's less confusing this way, too). Tell it to turn the Key Map OFF, since this is in Step 1. After creating this Action, do the same thing in Step 2 except tell it to turn the Key Map back ON.

I have mine set up for WoW, but there is no "Control" under Key Maps.

There is an "Always On" and under that, there is "Activate Maps," but when I expand it I do not see two steps.

I suspect the place where these instructions apply is the "Toggles" key map, but I was hesitant to tinker around because I wasn't sure how things lined up.

The next area where I see something wrong:

Prevent the default DPS Keys from activating for your Character Set
This step is important for World of Warcraft players, who would like to use the Hotkeys 1 through = for their Pro Config "Combat Hotkeys". For non-World of Warcraft players, the 1 through = keys have no default behavior in ISBoxer, so this is typically not an issue.
Select your Character Set in the top left pane, and select the "Key Map White/Black lists" tab. Then click the "Black list - allow Key Maps if they are NOT selected below" button, and highlight "FTL DPS Keys" in the list below.

When I select my character set and select the "Key Map White/Black lists" tab, I do not see "FTL DPS Keys" in the list below.

Obviously, when I skipped the problematic steps (because I wasn't sure what to do instead) I ended up with a broken character set.

My goal was simply to create one hotkey that makes the two hunters in my party cycle through a couple abilities.


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:12 am

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

Latakia wrote:I tried following the instructions given in
http://isboxer.com/wiki/HOWTO:Configure ... like_a_pro
That guide is rather old and was superceeded, as noted at the top. Admittedly that guide which superceded it has also been superceded again, but there is no update which currently names the new key maps.

If you use the Quick Setup Wizard to create the base config, then it should setup the necessary toggles for you

Latakia wrote:I have mine set up for WoW, but there is no "Control" under Key Maps.
You are looking for the ISB42 - Toggles -> Activate Maps (all windows)

Latakia wrote:
Prevent the default DPS Keys from activating for your Character Set
This step is important for World of Warcraft players, who would like to use the Hotkeys 1 through = for their Pro Config "Combat Hotkeys". For non-World of Warcraft players, the 1 through = keys have no default behavior in ISBoxer, so this is typically not an issue.
Select your Character Set in the top left pane, and select the "Key Map White/Black lists" tab. Then click the "Black list - allow Key Maps if they are NOT selected below" button, and highlight "FTL DPS Keys" in the list below.

When I select my character set and select the "Key Map White/Black lists" tab, I do not see "FTL DPS Keys" in the list below.
This whole section is not longer relevant as using the Quick Setup Wizard should not assign the Key Map to the character set, nor toggle it on or off. It you want to follow the step the equivalent Key Map is "ISB42 - Combat Broadcast Hotkeys".

If your character set is broken, post a link to it, and we can go from there. http://www.isboxer.com/wiki/Configuration_Sharing


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:37 am

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

Wow, I need to read more carefully. And thanks for the quick reply.

If you use the Quick Setup Wizard to create the base config, then it should setup the necessary toggles for you.

By that, do you mean the quick setup wizard without the pro config option? Or do I need to run the quick setup wizard again to create a new, and this time select the mmo-pro option?

I think I deleted and undid enough stuff to get it functional again. I kept the Virtual Combat, Combat Hotkeys, and the Class specific key maps the old guide told me to create.

I guess I can just delete those or start over from scratch. I haven't done anything extensive with them. Should I just run another setup wizard and choose pro? Or can I make the character/class specific button under the existing MMO-standard setup?


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 6:47 am

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

You can always use File, Save As to backup what you currently have under a different name and then run the Quick Setup Wizard and choose the pro option. That is probably less work than the alternative. If you want to go back and do it manually, you can always load up the previous file.


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 2:11 pm

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

I tried running the pro setup, and I don't understand the added options it gives. It tells me I can add stuff on the left to the "assign" on the right, but I have no idea if it is necessary or useful for me to add anything because there's no explanation what any of it does.

It looks like it would simplify the process for anyone who already knows exactly what they are doing, but I don't know what I'm doing. I know what I want to accomplish, but I have no idea how to do it through the setup wizard (or maybe I'm supposed to do it after the setup wizard?).

When I was following the out-of-date guide, at least I was learning something about how the software works.

All I want (for now) is a button I can push that cycles my hunters through some of their damaging abilities. In my case, I want to push the "8" key, and every time I push the "8" key, the hunters in the background fire one of their abilities. And then when I push 8 again, they fire another ability if it's available, and then they try the next, and so on.

I'm a little paranoid about setting up the key so that pushing one button effectively mashes a number of buttons on the background characters. So I want to do this through steps.

Is there a current step-by-step guide somewhere that explains what I need to do to accomplish this?


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:08 pm

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

Latakia wrote:All I want (for now) is a button I can push that cycles my hunters through some of their damaging abilities. In my case, I want to push the "8" key, and every time I push the "8" key, the hunters in the background fire one of their abilities. And then when I push 8 again, they fire another ability if it's available, and then they try the next, and so on.

I'm a little paranoid about setting up the key so that pushing one button effectively mashes a number of buttons on the background characters. So I want to do this through steps.

Is there a current step-by-step guide somewhere that explains what I need to do to accomplish this?

What you want is already set up by the standard Quick Setup Wizard under Combat Broadcast Hotkeys. Your other characters will assist your main when you press 8 and then 8 will be sent to their game clients.

I'd then suggest using an in-game macro (or possibly a one-button solution like the Gnome Sequencer addon provides) to fire off all your abilities on cooldown.

If you want to use Steps then MiRai covers building a rotation (including steps) in the 2nd video of his Pro config series.


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Post Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:37 pm

Re: Problems following HowTo Guide in Wiki

For the function you are after you don't necessarily need a Pro-Config. Pro-Config is usually more about managing different classes.

If you want to press the 8 key and have it do different things each time, you can add steps to the mapped key to do just that. One step is executed each time you press the key, so multiple steps mean you need to press the hotkey multiple times to cycle through the steps, and each step can send different actions to different toons.
I'd recommend initially you create a new mapped key under ISB42 - Custom Hotkeys, and set that up (you could adjust the current mapped key under ISB42 - Combat Broadcast if you wanted to, but it is probably easier to create a different one that does what you want).
All the information you need on how to do this is in the Mapped Key 101 video (although don't let that put you off asking questions if you need to).

Be aware, that in the video, the Key Maps are named different things again, but as I suggested, just use the Custom Hotkeys.
Also, if you are using 8 as a hotkey, then you will need to remove it from anything else that might be using 8 as a hotkey. You can find the item under ISB42 - Combat Hotkeys or ISB42 - Combat Broadcast Hotkeys (depending on whether you started with a Pro or Standard config during the Wizard).

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