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one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 6:57 am
by mantoskinass
Hi.I cannot find my problem myself<so i will try to get some help here.Problem is,when i log in to the game with my 4 characters everything is ok.but after some time(30 mins) one of 4 chars gets disconnected error.And the same story happens everytime i play D3.Any ideas about this? THANK YOU

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:38 am
by bob
Sounds like just another of the numerous disconnection reports as posted on Blizzard forums. Why do you think it is related to ISBoxer?.

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:22 pm
by mantoskinass
I dont know what is this related to,so i am asking you you think the problem is not isboxer? But when i play one character everything is time i will try to google disconnection error code.but does this happens to anybody else from this forum? If it happens only for me then it must be something wrong with isboxer itself....

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:36 pm
by bob
mantoskinass wrote:I dont know what is this related to,so i am asking you you think the problem is not isboxer?
I would say the issue is not ISBoxer, otherwise there would be more mention of it in these forums and on IRC. Lots of people box D3. You can provide a diagnostic if you like.

mantoskinass wrote:But when i play one character everything is ok
And when you play four you are putting much more stress on your computer and other resources.

mantoskinass wrote:Does this happens to anybody else from this forum?
Only reports I've seen previously have been traced back to issues with routing to Blizzard's servers

mantoskinass wrote:If it happens only for me then it must be something wrong with isboxer itself....
No, if it only happens for you then it is more likely to be something with your computer software/hardware or your network/internet connection/routing/dns/isp etc.

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 2:36 pm
by lax
mantoskinass wrote:If it happens only for me then it must be something wrong with isboxer itself....

I think it's pretty easily arguable that if it doesn't happen for anyone else here then it must not be something wrong with ISBoxer itself.

But when i play one character everything is ok

If the issue is on your PC or your local network, then the problem would definitely be more prevalent when playing 4 than with 1.

Get us the file d3debug.txt from your D3 folder, immediately after a disconnect. It may provide more information about the disconnect. Or it might just confirm that you got disconnected.

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 3:37 pm
by mantoskinass
here is my disconnect error debug.Sorry it took me so long to upload it.was busy,couldnt play D3.

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:40 pm
by bob
If Fmodex.dll is the failure point as this indicates...
Stack Crawl:
1008D669 fmodex.dll   FMOD::DSPConnection::getMemoryInfo+262647
1 frames dumped
... it might be an issue with your audio system, whether drivers, hardware, effects (Creative EAX causes some funny issues sometimes).

But if you grab the below file, it may also be of help to determine this.
2015.04.11 22:06:44.984401900   Saved dump file to 'C:\GAMES\Diablo III\App-0.dmp'

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 4:40 am
by mantoskinass it possible that <cheater tool> have something to do with this...? and maybe you can tell me how i can open DMP file...?

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:49 am
by lax
mantoskinass it possible that <cheater tool> have something to do with this...?

It's possible that any other program on your system could have something to do with this, including that one. Have you seriously not tried without that or other programs that might be somehow related? :?

and maybe you can tell me how i can open DMP file...?

The DMP file is technical crash details and requires special analysis tools and knowledge to read from. You would want to share that file with us instead.

But I think we're already on the right track here and I don't think the dmp file will be super helpful in solving the problem.

The problem is most likely between D3, FMOD, and your sound drivers. There are numerous similar reports of issues like this even without ISBoxer -- <-- threads on forums regarding fmod issues

I'll summarize suggestions I found by clicking on some of the links...
1. FMOD is used for sound. If you disable sound in the game, it might not crash anymore. Not ideal if you like sound, but potentially better than crashing.
2. Check for a driver update for your sound card.
3. Some people said they worked around the problem by replacing D3's copy of fmodex.dll with the latest official version. D3 uses version 4.34.20, while the latest version of fmodex.dll is 4.44.52. You can check out the number of patches and the number of times "fixed a crash" or freeze appears in the fmodex changelog since 4.34.20: From the changelog it appears that version 4.34.20 is from July-August 2010, whereas the latest version is from this month (April 2015), and there's a lot of crashes fixed. Kinda funny (not like "ha ha" funny ... ...) that Blizzard tech support suggests people update their sound drivers while using this old version of fmod. Anyway, to try this, I believe you would download and install the "FMOD Ex Programmer’s API", and then find the fmodex.dll file and pop it into the Diablo 3 folder. Keep a copy of the old one just in case.

Re: one of 4 char gets kicked out of the game

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:59 am
by mantoskinass
thank you A LOT for trying to help me i was playing for 4 hours with no crashes.i think the problem was MY HACKS...