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Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

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Post Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:39 am

Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

While you're here looking for info, you may wish to join our Discord community: https://discord.gg/JfDQ8qT -- the best place to go for real-time information and help. :)

Inner Space build 6229 is now live, and is tested to work with most of the games and software previously supported. ARCHEAGE support is a work in progress and will hopefully return soon.

Quick Workaround

1. Your problem may already be solved in the Inner Space development (test) build. (Oct. 3 2017: Build 6229 is now available the live build. If there is a new development build since this post, then to try it out, right click Inner Space and select Patcher, tick "Download development (test) patches" and then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.
Games with known issues on build 6229, for workarond #1: ARCHEAGE

If the development build of Inner Space (#1) does NOT solve your issue:
2a. If you're NOT playing World of Warcraft 7.3.0, you can probably temporarily revert to Inner Space build 6174 from the archives while we work things out. Download and instructions are at https://www.lavishsoft.com/innerspace/archives.
2b. If you ARE playing World of Wacraft 7.3.0, you can probably temporarily revert to Inner Space build 6200 from the archives while we work things out. Download and instructions are at https://www.lavishsoft.com/innerspace/archives.

If you do choose to revert, it may be helpful to all of us if you read below and provide more information about your issue (if your issue is not specifically being reported, you may be sentencing yourself to remain on build 6174 for a long time).

Details on what is happening
Recently, Blizzard released an update to World of Warcraft that introduced a new packer/loader on wow.exe and wow-64.exe. This change happened to break Inner Space for World of Warcraft. As I am sure you can imagine, that is very important to ISBoxer. So I spent a few weeks working on replacing Inner Space's old loader with a brand spankin' new and improved version that works correctly against World of Warcraft's new loader. The last time I rewrote the loader was when Aion was released in 2009, and it was rewritten to ensure support of a different (much older now) packer/loader which NCSoft used on Aion. So this is not new territory either, and Inner Space has worked with various packers/loaders over the years.

So basically, the Inner Space loader is the piece of Inner Space that is responsible for launching the game and making sure all of the game's pieces get linked up where they need to go in order for Inner Space to "be" the Operating System (Windows) to the game. When the loader is wrong about what links up to where, then you get crashes. This is not new either, and is the answer to why people say "I don't get it, it works without Inner Space why is it crashing with Inner Space?" Well it's crashing because Inner Space is like a mini different version of Windows, and it's incompatible with something you've got going. We want to fix that!

Generally in order to solve these crashes, I need to know what that incompatible something is that you've got. This is pretty much the reason we ask for "Compatibility diagnostics" from ISBoxer's Help menu -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Diagnostics. These diagnostics let us know what programs you have running, as well as most of the DLLs that those programs might be loading into the game. That way we can identify any potential compatibility issues and even test specifically with that program and/or the game that is not working correctly.


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Post Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:00 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

I tried the roll-back with innerspace not active and it doesn't seem to overwrite the files...the console says I have build 6200.

My innerspace programs are in D:\InnnerSpace

I extract all the files from the build archive zip to D:\InnerSpace with innerSpace not active even with a fresh boot of my computer and extract. Then I start up innerspace with the little Red Circle sight on my task bar menu, I click on that for console and see that I have build 6200 still. I give permission to overwrite files...not sure what is happening.


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Post Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:08 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

Saeldaan wrote:I tried the roll-back with innerspace not active and it doesn't seem to overwrite the files...the console says I have build 6200.

My innerspace programs are in D:\InnnerSpace

I extract all the files from the build archive zip to D:\InnerSpace with innerSpace not active even with a fresh boot of my computer and extract. Then I start up innerspace with the little Red Circle sight on my task bar menu, I click on that for console and see that I have build 6200 still. I give permission to overwrite files...not sure what is happening.

We can't be sure what you did wrong, but the instructions on the Archives page are all you need to do.

It sounds to me like you have more than one Inner Space install, because if you follow the instructions to disable "always patch" and then the IS-Kernel.dll files are replaced by the ones from one of the archive zips, it is impossible for it to tell you that you're on build 6200.

Unless what you're looking at is the latest patch notes in the Patcher window (these patch notes are downloaded regardless of your "Always patch" setting), instead of looking at your current build number at the bottom of the Uplink window. You can also just hover your mouse cursor over the Inner Space tray icon, and it says what version you have and when your subscription expires.


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Post Tue Sep 19, 2017 8:44 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

Found one problem, extraction to my innner space folder creates a folder in which all the files are extracted in innerspace:


I assume, instead that all the files and folder in Lavish.InnerSpace.6174 need to be extracted into the the innerspace folder per se, not some sub folder.


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Post Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:45 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

Saeldaan wrote:Found one problem, extraction to my innner space folder creates a folder in which all the files are extracted in innerspace:


I assume, instead that all the files and folder in Lavish.InnerSpace.6174 need to be extracted into the the innerspace folder per se, not some sub folder.

How you extract the files is decided by you and your program. Most people will open the zip file, select all files, then simply drag the files out of it and then drop them into the Inner Space folder—no additional folders are created.


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Post Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:47 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

The original post has been updated to reflect that development build 6202 is now available, and should resolve most of the new compatibility issues.

This build has known issues with: ARCHEAGE, EVE ONLINE, SKYFORGE, and TROVE.


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Post Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:35 am

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

Original post updated to reflect build 6215 which is now live. As of this post, the live build and development builds of Inner Space are both 6215, and switching between them (workaround #1) will currently have no effect.

This build has known issues with: ARCHEAGE, ANARCHY ONLINE.


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Post Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:34 pm

Re: Having trouble since an Inner Space update?

Build 6229 is now live, with improved compatibility.

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