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Windows 10 and ISBoxer: Yes, it works

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Post Wed Jul 29, 2015 6:38 pm

Windows 10 and ISBoxer: Yes, it works

2016-07-28: This post has been updated to reflect the most up to date information.

Inner Space and ISBoxer do support Windows 10 (since it was released), and I use Windows 10 myself. There are no changes you need to make to your Windows 10 system to use Inner Space or ISBoxer. If you are having trouble with Inner Space or ISBoxer, please start a new thread and describe your issues!

Note: Up until a few months ago, there was a crash issue that some people experienced with 64-bit vs 32-bit games launched by Inner Space/ISBoxer, notably affecting World of Warcraft. The issue was less prevalent on previous versions of Windows, and so this issue was often reported as a Windows 10 issue, leading to this thread.

The crash issue has been resolved, and there is a couple new Inner Space settings for those that wish to switch between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of World of Warcraft (and other games that may be affected in the future):
1. Right click Inner Space and select Configuration
2. Find the "32/64-Bit" heading near the bottom of the General tab (displayed by default)
3. The options are "Use 64-bit Inner Space Uplink" (enabled by default), and "Use same-bit game clients if possible (e.g. 64-bit client for 64-bit Inner Space)" (also enabled by default). If you wish to use 32-bit World of Warcraft, it is recommended to disable "Use 64-bit Inner Space Uplink", and leave "Use same-bit" enabled.

The effect of the new options is that Inner Space will automatically launch as 64-bit, and also launch World of Warcraft in 64-bit, for 64-bit Windows; or all 32-bit for 32-bit Windows. This eliminates any "bitness" related crashes that might otherwise occur for some people.


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Post Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:00 am

Re: Windows 10 and ISBoxer: Yes, it works

I just installed Win10 Pro on 6 month old PC.
I have done all the Windows updates and all the device drivers for x64 Win10 OS.

DirectX12 comes with Win10.

A very strange thing occurred while installing ISBoxerSuite....

the application downloaded an older version of DirectX. I've used the regular Inner Space and dev version InnerSpace and my PC freezes up after loading the 4 clients of Diablo3.

I wonder if this is a DirectX problem?

Here is my current system:
Intel(R) Core™ i7-5820K Six-Core 3.30GHz
64GB (8GBx2) DDR4/2800MHz
CORSAIR AXi Series AX1200i Digital 1200W 80 PLUS PLATINUM
500GB SamSung SSD & 1TB Western Digital
Corsair Hydro Series H110i GTX Cooling
OS Win10 Pro x64
Last edited by ChetanG on Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:07 am

Re: Windows 10 and ISBoxer: Yes, it works

Announcements are not really for you to put your diagnostic posts on.

DirectX12 does not mean that you have all prior versions of DirectX. It also does not mean your game has been magically upgraded to use DirectX12. Unfortunately games (and all software) are written to use the technologies available at the time, and thus if you want to play them you need the appropriate versions of said software installed. For D3, this will be DirectX 9, 10, and/or 11 (probably all three, but most games skipped 10 as it was a PITA). Despite what DXDIAGS is reporting, you will probably still have DX9, DX10, DX11, and DX12 installed.

Inner Space also requires features in the DirectX 9 Ext libraries, which are generally not installed by most games, or the normal DirectX9 installers, so there is a separate download.

Anyway enough on bringing you up to speed with how it works.

Your issue will be something to do with your computer as other people use Inner Space/ISBoxer on Windows 10, with D3 quite happily. Get us a diagnostic for crashes.
Last edited by bob on Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Thu Jul 28, 2016 11:20 am

Re: Windows 10 and ISBoxer: Yes, it works

Bob beat me to an answer but I'm more thorough on this, so here you go ;)

I've used the regular Inner Space and dev version InnerSpace and my PC freezes up after loading the 4 clients of Diablo3.

You have either a driver or hardware issue, which should be troubleshot not in this announcement thread from a while back about ISBoxer does, in fact, work fine with Windows 10.

I just installed Win10 Pro on 6 month old PC.
I have done all the Windows updates and all the device drivers for x64 Win10 OS.

DirectX12 comes with Win10.

A very strange thing occurred while installing ISBoxerSuite....

the application downloaded an older version of DirectX.

This is simply a misunderstanding of how DirectX is designed and distributed, and don't worry, this misunderstanding is not something we fault you for. The same exact question has played out each time there's a new version of DirectX, and each time it's the same answers!

So here it is: DirectX 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are not the same thing, and they are not backwards compatible. Windows 10 comes with not only 12, but also ... the others. It also comes with DirectDraw, which has been outmoded for many years. Any game that uses Direct3D must select a particular version of the DirectX API. World of Warcraft, EVE Online, and Lord of the Rings Online are a few examples of current games that support both DirectX 9 and 11; LOTRO also supports DirectX 10. There are no games that we multibox that even support DirectX 12 as of this post -- Inner Space and ISBoxer therefore have no need to support DirectX 12 yet (as with DX11 support, support for DX12 will be a response to games adding support for it).

What is NOT obvious to you or virtually anyone else on the planet is that Microsoft has periodically provided supplemental updates to DirectX, AND those updates are NOT a part of the OS releases. Inner Space, and many games, require some of these supplemental updates because they provide helpful utilities -- rendering text for example, or loading/storing textures, various common calculations, etc. Inner Space specifically uses D3DX9, a supplemental release for DirectX 9, for these things -- even for DirectX 11 mode. D3DX9 is NOT installed with Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, or 10. To get it, Inner Space wants you to install using DXWEBSETUP, which is Microsoft's downloader for DirectX updates that do not come with your system; the downloader is supposed to determine what you don't have, download it, and install it.

So, no, the absolutely required DirectX download is completely unrelated to your PC freezing issue. Any time your entire PC is freezing you can pretty much bet on either a driver issue, or hardware failing/incompatibility/unstability.

p.s. for anyone looking for the DXWEBSETUP link, this is current: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35

Edit: Please begin a new thread; I'm locking this thread and ending it with this post for others to find this info easier. Thanks!

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