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[EQ2] 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

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Post Sun Nov 27, 2022 7:26 pm

3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

I paid for a Inner Space subscription. I have been playing with this for a few days and it doesn't seem to work. Maybe I am misunderstanding the capabilities of the software. I am a software engineer, so I am feeling embarrassed that I can't figure this out. lol

EQ2 is my game.

I have 3 monitors and three game clients, running on 1 PC. I want 1 account to display on 1 monitor each. I want to press 1 on my keyboard ( which represents 1 spell on hotbar in the game) and have it press 1 on all 3 games at the same time. Then I want to press 2 and have it press 2 (spell 2 on all 3 hotbars) on all 3 games at the same time.

Can this software do this? If so, how?

Thank you!


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Post Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:07 pm

Re: 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

Heh, been there before.....

Indeed the software can do that.

The simple approach to the requirements so far are:
  1. Install InnerSpace and ISBoxer
  2. Run InnerSpace, login.
  3. Run ISBoxer Toolkit.
  4. Run the Quick Setup Wizard for your team. You can probably Next through most of it, but do choose things that make sense to you.
  5. Export to InnerSpace at the end.
  6. Right click the InnerSpace icon in the tray/notification area.
  7. Select ISBoxer Character Sets from the menu, select the name of the team just created.
  8. Games will load. Log them in (you might need to press SHIFT+ALT+M to disable key maps). Select Characters etc.
  9. Once all in game, press SHIFT+ALT+R (the hotkey default for broadcasting). It will popup a message for current status (e.g. ON/OFF).
  10. Press keys. All characters shoudl receive the input. This is broadcasting. It is fairly basic, and gets old real quick.

With Key Maps (you possibly disabled them earlier), these are like macros. Key Maps are actually containers (or collections if you like depending on your flavour of dev language). They contain Mapped Keys. Mapped Keys are like the macros. Mapped Keys have hotkeys and they do Actions. one type of Action is send a keystroke to the game (or Target in ISBoxer). It might be the same key as the hotkey, it might not. It might send a different keystroke to each game (Target). It might reconfigure ISBoxer on the fly and change a whole set of what gets sent to each game, but you might be pressing the same hotkey (it is possible to have one attack key if you like and have it cycle through 20 or more different in game behaviours).

There are a butt load of videos on youtube and yes, some have old dates, but they are still relevant.
The WiKI (manual link on the website https://isboxer.com/wiki) has a decent amount of info (yes it needs some organizational lovin for a better index).
Feel free to post more questions (even if it is a can you give me a link to...), join the discord, etc.


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Post Sun Nov 27, 2022 8:28 pm

Re: 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

Thank you for the info.


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Post Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:20 am

Re: 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

Everything is working. Thanks, now my next question.

I want to get a little more advanced with my key mapping. For example the Quick Setup Wizard by default has keys 1, 2, 3 ... all the way to = working on all 3 accounts. However, I want to hot key other keys. So when I press "F" on the keyboard it does it for all 3 accounts on all 3 screens. I am not sure where to find this functionality. I am not familiar with the nomenclature in this application so I may just no understand what it's named. Please advise.



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:23 am

Re: 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

The first port of call is the Mapped Key Wizard in the Wizards menu. It has descriptions of the various mapped key options it creates.
The most basic, as you've asked for is a Straight Key Broadcast (i.e. what you press is what is sent to the game).
A Key Re-map, is a what you press (a Hotkey) triggers something and in the setup of that is a Key Combination, which is what is sent to 1 or more of the games (a Target).

The Mapped Key Wizard will ask for a Key Map (bucket) to put the mapped key in. These also have descriptions. The "ISB42 - Custom Hotkeys" one is a good place for your custom mapped keys (as opposed to the other default config mapped keys) but you can use the others if you so desire (note: only the Key Maps with the word HOTKEYS in the name are toggled by the Key Map Toggle - this function is configurable).

You can of course create your own mapped keys, with extensive use of your right mouse button to open a context menu.
Some more useful info available here.


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Post Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:31 am

Re: 3 accounts on 3 monitors for EQ2

Thanks again! Your quick responses are amazing! I will give this a try.

By the way, I have already recommend you to a few guild members, and my nephew.

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