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Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

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Post Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:52 pm

Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

Hello, i have tried to get help fixing this problem in the discord channel, but no luck so far.

my problem is that my mouse repeater wont click or use any mouse keys or mouse wheel when trying to click or scroll on main window.
i cant click login on all slave windows, the fake curors line up perfectly but only on my main window it clicks and the slaves wont click (or scroll).

PS also have to mention that keypress from keyboard has no issues.

i have even cleared my profile and made a new one that i wil link down below.
sorry if this have been posted before, but i have searched myself blind soon :roll:



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Post Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:36 pm

Re: Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

That doesn't really make any sense that new screens would stop the mouse broadcast from working.
Lining up yes, broadcasting, not really.

That said, other than a new window layout, which you've tried in your clear/new profile, you could try backing up and then removing the config*.wtf files from the WoW/WTF folder, and letting them recreate on loading your team.


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Post Thu Nov 01, 2018 11:49 am

Re: Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

Still not working :( i cant understand this :shock:


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Post Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:18 pm

Re: Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

Normally the only time that mouse clicks don't get passed through, is when you have inadvertently bound the mouse actions as a hotkey in your profile.
With the profile you linked, this doesn't appear to be the case, but it is not unknown for people to have multiple installations of InnerSpace/ISBoxer, and the profiles they think they are using/exporting are not the ones that show up in the Inner Space context menu.

Any chance this is going on ?

It has been mentioned that this might also occur if you have a partially patched InnerSpace. You can try running the live installer using this command line (in the Windows Run box, press WIN+R, is fine).
"%programdata%\Lavish Software\utils\lavishbuild" install innerspace live "1.16 build 6336"


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Post Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:45 am

Re: Mouse repeater stopped working after buying new screens

bob wrote:Normally the only time that mouse clicks don't get passed through, is when you have inadvertently bound the mouse actions as a hotkey in your profile.
With the profile you linked, this doesn't appear to be the case, but it is not unknown for people to have multiple installations of InnerSpace/ISBoxer, and the profiles they think they are using/exporting are not the ones that show up in the Inner Space context menu.

Any chance this is going on ?

It has been mentioned that this might also occur if you have a partially patched InnerSpace. You can try running the live installer using this command line (in the Windows Run box, press WIN+R, is fine).
"%programdata%\Lavish Software\utils\lavishbuild" install innerspace live "1.16 build 6336"

I got an error when trying to do the windows run comand line, so i deleted the whole program and installed it fresh. and now it works, so it might be the patching that was not completed as you mentioned.

Thanks for all the help :P

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