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Hotkey for individual clients

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 8

Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:41 pm

Post Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:07 pm

Hotkey for individual clients

I run six clients all at full resolution and the clients never move.

I would like to create 6 hotkeys. Each key would toggle repeating for a specific client. So if I pressed "key 1", "key 2" then "key 3" clients 1,2 and 3 would be "active" if I then pressed "key 2" then only clients `1 and 3 would be active. When a client is active it receives and sends all actions to the other "active" clients but not to "inactive".


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Post Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:43 pm

Re: Hotkey for individual clients

If you're wanting to send to multiple clients at a time, create an Action Target Group for each of the sets of multiple clients. To do so, right click Action Target Groups in the top pane, and select New Action Target Group. Set a name for it, then drag Characters to it -- from the top pane, to the bottom left.

To set up the Hotkeys you're asking for, you will need to create Mapped Keys, in some Key Map assigned to your Characters. If you don't have any Key Maps, create one, assign it to your Character Set (drag the Character Set to it from the top pane to the bottom left). Then right click on Mapped Keys and select New Mapped Key. Set a Hotkey by clicking the < next to Hotkey. Expand the new Mapped Key by clicking the + so underneath it you see Steps, 1. Select Step 1 (the 1 under Steps). Now on the right you see Step, Actions. Right click on Actions and under Repeater Actions, select Repeater Target Action. This type of action sets the Target for Repeater (but does not change the on/off state). Set Target = the windows you want to be able to broadcast *from* (typically Window:Current, but some people like Window:All w/ Current), and Repeater Target = the window(s) you want to broadcast *to*. Add a Repeater State Action to set mouse and/or key repeating from a target window.

To make it so a second press turns it back off, right click Steps and select New Step. Select Step 2. Add a Repeater Target Action to set the Repeater Target back to "Window:All w/o Current" (this is the default target for Repeater), and a Repeater State Action to turn mouse and/or key repeating off.


Posts: 8

Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:41 pm

Post Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:39 am

Re: Hotkey for individual clients

I'm having trouble understanding your post. Namely will those settings get the exact results that I want?

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