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Repeater Regions Messing up Key Maps & Repeater Toggle

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Post Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:46 am

Repeater Regions Messing up Key Maps & Repeater Toggle

Here's the config paste

I've gotten all the basic functions figured out now, but I have had to simply accept one negative aspect. My computer cannot run windows aero without eating up A TON of resources. For this reason I can't use the Video FX function. I've accepted this and instituted a workaround using 1 main screen for my interaction display, and setting up swapping with the other 3-5 accounts on my secondary display. I have gotten my hot key for swapping setup correctly and working as intended. I have my key maps setup and working as intended, and I can also swap to a specific client by clicking on it on the secondary display. My hot keys for configuring full on repeater work just fine with the 2 functions I configured. I have set to activate whole client repeater between just my Machariel cluster, and Shift+Alt+E set to activate full scale repeater between all clients in the character set. It all works beautifully until I setup a repeater region. Once I configure my repeater region it seems to kill my key maps and not toggle any of the repeater functions unless I have my mouse in the repeater region. It also kills my client swapping hot key as well.

I need to have my configured repeater toggles and key maps work independently and remain totally static regardless of how or if any repeater regions are configured or used.

1 - Is this possible to do so that the repeater region(s) properly repeat to their designated sections of the selected clients, all while still having the ability to use my repeater hot keys to toggle full screen repeater between the selected character groups?

2 - For example, with no repeater hot keys toggled on, but 1 repeater region active; be able to have the area within the repeater region always repeat to all clients in my Machariel cluster, and still have the repeater toggle ability to turn repeater on and off for the full client on all clients in my character set using Shift+Alt+E?

3 - Also, have the same type of independent repeater toggle as listed above for just the characters within my Machariel cluster to toggle full client repeater when Shift+Alt+R is pressed, and maintain a constant on repeater region?

4 - If so, then how would I go about setting that up so I can make this work properly as described above?

Configuration paste is at the top of this post.

Thanks in advance for any help.



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Post Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:54 pm

Re: Repeater Regions Messing up Key Maps & Repeater Toggle

DarkMoJo wrote:Here's the config paste

I've gotten all the basic functions figured out now, but I have had to simply accept one negative aspect. My computer cannot run windows aero without eating up A TON of resources. For this reason I can't use the Video FX function.

This might have something to do with the fact that you're running almost all of your game clients at 60FPS at all times; and some game clients have no CPUs assigned to them when others do.

Aero takes up very few resources on my CPU (2600K) when I multibox. I don't have 100 VFX viewers like some EVE players might, but with only 4-6 Characters in your Character Sets, neither should you. I would suggest you re-approach your performance settings within ISBoxer and give VFX another spin.


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Post Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:22 pm

Re: Repeater Regions Messing up Key Maps & Repeater Toggle

I've had the Aero problem even before starting game clients, when I'm just using my PC for business, or web browsing, etc. I'm on an AMD Phenom II quad core, with a BIOS setting forcing the 4th core on. I dunno what's causing the problem in regards to Aero, but I just disabled it years ago and everything runs fine. I'm somewhat of a control freak with my PC, When I start getting a little bit of performance degradation I hunt down the problem. I isolated it specifically to the "Desktop Window Management" service in Win 7. Once I found out that it only affects the look and feel of the "shiny" stuff in Win7 I just disabled it. I avoid transparencies, ornate themes, and non-functional clutter at basically all costs anyways so killing Aero was a bonus :) This is the ONLY negative I have ever gotten from disabling the service in regards to not being able to use Video FX. When I'm PVPing in large fleet battles with the service disabled on only 1 client I get insane frame rates (150+). I'll try to grab a screenshot of the FPS meter next time we have a large battle. I'm right in the middle of the big war going on in game currently so I should be able to get this within a week or so. If I have only 1 client open doing solo PVP, I crank all the video up to max and still get roughly 600-ish FPS on the client. I'm fairly sure this is due to the level of system optimization I have applied to this box, and the massive video card I have in it (Diamond ATI Radeon HD 6970).

Here's low graphics with 1 eve client running, and yes, that's an instance of WOW running on max graphics in the background as well

And here's the one on max graphics, again, still with that same instance of WOW running right behind it. (Didn't want to lose my auctions scan in progress :P )

I tried enabling Aero once already to see how it performed on my system. It was a horrible performance hit. It knocked all of my clients down to roughly 15-30 FPS range. I'll give it one more try after sorting out the processor balancing tho. It would be nice if I can utilize that. I just know that I have a very low rate machine compared to what's out these days, I'm just really good at making it work.

I'm definitely gonna work on the processor assignment for sure, thanks a ton for pointing that out. I got the GPU assignments taken care of but haven't come across how to do the processors yet. I'll dig into that next.

I'm still rather new at this, I wasted a month of ISBoxer time as I had to move IRL 2 times in that month and have only gotten setup and started dabbling with ISBoxer the past 72 hours or so.

Anyways, thanks for the tips on possibly being able to make Video FX work. I love your tutorial videos too man, you've helped me more than you know already :P Keep up the great work.



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Post Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:54 pm

Re: Repeater Regions Messing up Key Maps & Repeater Toggle

I attempted it with Aero enabled again after optimizing the CPU configs. It's still messed up and bogs my system down horribly. I'm almost 100% sure it's due to the fact that AMD doesn't support hyperthreading at all. I had a less capable Intel based work laptop about a year ago that had no problems with Aero. It had much less ram, horrible video card, and only a core 2 duo processor, but it did support hyperthreading. No worries though, My next machine is going to be all Intel / Nvidia. I've always liked their gear much more, but when I built this box I was on a tight budget and didn't have a choice.

I still need help / info on how to get the repeater regions to work without killing the global repeater function. Any input on that would be greatly appreciated. It's the main problem I need addressed.

Thanks again for all the help.


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