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hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:37 pm

hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

first time using a repeater region...whenever i mouse over my repeater region (im using it to click/heal from my priests raid frame), none of my hotkeys will broadcast. I have to manually swap to another window for them to start working again, but as soon as my mouse cursor enters the repeater region they stop working again. Odd thing is they will still do the mapped key function (assist) it just doesn't broadcast the actual keystroke.


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Post Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:11 pm

Re: hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

That doesn't really make any sense as to why that would be occurring. There is a mapped key on Enter/Exit action that can be put onto a Repeater Region, which might explain the behaviour you are describing, if the selected mapped key happened to attempt to do something like leave an ATG.

I think you might need to show your config to get any further insights viewtopic.php?f=22&t=13. The unfortunate thing about repeater regions is their config is old school and stored outside of your profile and are in files in the Inner Space\scripts folder. These are named ISBoxerToolkit.Repeater.CHARSET.CHARNAME.xml. Any funny business with the regions executing mapped keys would be in there.


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Post Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:38 pm

Re: hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

thanks for the quick response. like i said, it was my first time using repeater regions (always used video fx before) so i just wanted to make sure it wasn't something obvious that i forgot to toggle or something like that. I think i'm gonna do a clean wipe of everything and start fresh and go from there.


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Post Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:44 am

Re: hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

ok, so it's an issue with clique...while the mouse cursor is over the raid frames, isboxer broadcasts don't work...that's not a problem if i'm on my healer bc i can just move my mouse cursor off the raid frames. The problem is when i'm on my warrior and i have a repeater region pointing to my healers raid frames and i mouse over to heal, i guess it keeps the mouse cursor over the raid frames on the healers screen somehow? and that's why when i bring the healer window into focus it resets the mouse position to where it actually is on the screen and the broadcasts work again..

I know alot of people use click with repeater regions so i must be missing some option somewhere...any help would be appreciated

edit* the other thing i can do is turn on broadcasting and that will sync the mouse cursor on the priest screen with the warrior so the keys will broadcast. I'm using a stacked window layout so i don't know if that has something to do with it or not

edit 2*** ok...so I figured it out. Nothing to do with isboxer or clique or repeater regions. It's because the default game disables mouse buttons (besides left and right click) if your cursor is over any unitframe in the game.


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Post Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:46 pm

Re: hotkeys stop working after mousing over repeater region...

Ahh, yes, the old in game bind as a mouse button.

In those cases we recommend you use a normal keystroke keybind in game, and have ISBoxer hotkeyed for the mouse button, but sending keystrokes to the game.

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