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Rotating screen (mouselook)

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Thu May 24, 2018 9:48 am

Post Sat Jun 08, 2019 10:07 am

Rotating screen (mouselook)

I am having trouble getting repeater to work how I need it.

I would like to run two games side by side (WoW) and when I hold spacebar it broadcasts to the second window. I would like the mouse graphic to always appear on both screens but clicks and button presses only go to the second (right) screen when I hold spacebar.
The first problem I am having is that when I broadcast to the second window I can only look around (hold right mouse in) 180 degrees and then it seems I am hitting the edge of the window. On the main screen (left) I can spin around as much as I want as normal.
"Lock cursor inside game window while focused" under character sets > general is checked.

Thank you


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Post Sat Jun 08, 2019 4:54 pm

Re: Rotating screen (mouselook)

Boborino wrote:"Lock cursor inside game window while focused" under character sets > general is checked.

that would have no effect on the second window, as it is not "focused". the window that receives the direct input is "focused". the slave window(s) are not.

Mouselook is funny, and doesn't really work on broadcasts and tends to desync quite rapidly, although you can usually offset some of this by ensuring FPS is the same for both foreground/background windows, and they are not being CPU starved (i.e. all games get all cores, no dedicated), but the in game co-ordinates and perspectives will still make it annoying.

When the RMB is down, then the game should be locking the cursor to the centre screen. It appears when broadcasting the RMB that this is not happening for WoW (and maybe you have are using a non retail version? which would be an important detail here). There may be something specific needed here in the code. We'll have to look into it.


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Post Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:31 am

Re: Rotating screen (mouselook)

Thank you for the response.
I am using a non-retail version, I thought that was verboten on these boards :)

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