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Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Mon May 22, 2017 1:36 pm

Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

So my window layouts always worked fine before. Now, on my second monitor, I have to move slots 2 and 3 to the right and down to make them appear properly. I have attached the layout picture that works. Am I missing something here?



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Post Mon May 22, 2017 2:00 pm

Re: Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

Looks like it may be a display scaling issue in Windows 10? My main monitor is at 125%, secondary at 100%. Could that be the problem?


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Mon May 22, 2017 2:07 pm

Re: Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

Yes, definitely. You will normally need them to both be set to 100%.


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Post Mon May 22, 2017 2:19 pm

Re: Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

The problem with that is it makes all my other text (Firefox), etc. so small as to be almost unreadable. My monitor is 32 inches. This was never a problem before, is it only an NVIDIA problem?


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Mon May 22, 2017 2:34 pm

Re: Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

No it's a scaling problem, and its lies.

There are some things in ISBoxer to attempt to deal with it, but essentially scaling does all rendering off screen, and then redraws the final composite for your viewing pleasure. This causes a bit of grief, because the offscreen render is at native resolution, and that determines the positioning, but when ISBoxer is querying for positioning, it is getting the final sizes. It might work better if ISBoxer queried for the native resolutions, and set positioning based on that - but I don't really know. Needs some more experimentation.

Presumably if you have a 32inch with tiny writing, you have a 4k monitor. This is pretty much when this phenomenon was noticed - when 4K monitors that make everything TEENY WEENY came out. I use Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio in my day job, and they just don't deal with scaling particularly well either, 4 years down the track.

Anyway, so the options generally are, set the scaling to 100% on both monitors. If you don't like the tiny writing, then in Windows, change the resolution of the problem monitor to be something non native. Like if you have 3840x2160, change it to 2560x1440. That way stuff will be bigger, but Windows wont do any scaling. The end result will be pretty much the same, although certain things wont look at fine, and ClearType wont work very well.


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Post Mon May 22, 2017 3:07 pm

Re: Window Region Coordinates not working on 2nd monitor

This tool fixes the problem for me.


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