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turn off window layouts?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:19 pm

turn off window layouts?

my laptop can handle multiboxing 5 toons, but I need to minimize my 4 alts.

i dont see an option to do this through isboxer.

with the window layouts i am getting 3-5 fps and the games are unplayable.

if i go back to my keyclone type setup (and just passing my keys), i can run my main at a usable res/graphics effects.

can isboxer run like that? i dont care about mirroring the mouse, although when i upgrade my hardware i can take advantage of the window layouts that isboxer has.


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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:25 pm

Re: turn off window layouts?



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Post Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:40 pm

Re: turn off window layouts?

hi lax,

thanks for the reply.

i had already tried that, but i am looking to get my alt windows minimized. the window layout still puts them up.

i am going to offload a couple of alts to another pc to see if i can get it to an acceptable level.


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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:33 am

Re: turn off window layouts?

If you really want to just disable the window layout entirely, you can just remove it from your Character Set. (Or remove your Character Set from it)

To do this, just select either the Character Set or the Window Layout in the top pane. Then in the bottom left pane, look for the other listed. Select it and delete it -- you can either use the delete key, or right click it and select Delete. This will remove the link between the two, and when you Export again no window layout will be applied for that set.

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