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[WoW] Window Stretching issue.

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Post Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:19 am

Window Stretching issue.

So I am running 5 WoW accounts. I have used ISBoxer for some time now and only recently run into a problem after reinstalling it.

I have 3 identical monitors all set to the same resolution. All are running on a GTX 590 (all screens activated as opposed to Nvidia surround)

Essentially if I have any of the game screens open on anything other than my primary monitor, the game forces the window from windowed fullscreen into windowed mode, opens it on the main screen, stretches it then moves it to the proper screen though its now stretched. This of course messes up the perfect mouse broadcasting as these slave windows no longer match up with the aspect ratio of the main window.

I have make sure swap is set to true. That instant swap is checked. I even checked the box to prevent isboxer from forcing the game back into windowed mode. No matter what it does the same thing.

The only work around I have been able to use so far is to have 2 window layouts setup. The first is to stack all five full size on my main monitor. Save/export and then launch the character set. This sizes all the clients correctly and maintains the right resolution and ratio. Once all clients are open, I then go back into the toolkit, switch to the desired layout, save/export and it moves the windows to the correct size and space without screwing up the resolution or ratio.

As long as I don't close any windows it works fine but atm I have to go through the above each time I launch the game.

Window size doesn't matter. If the window opens on the primary monitor and is moved to another monitor it will get resized and stretched.

I have tried cross monitors on true and false with no change. tried every swap option I came across in both the main window layout options page and for each region.

this has only started happening after I reinstalled (an issue with wow forced me to clear out the interface losing all addons)

I have tried manually editing the config files to enable windowed maximized and isboxer just forces it back to windowed on each character that opens on a different monitor from the primary. Disabling windowed mode in the configs caused other worse issues with window placement.

I am sure I am just missing a setting or something but I cannot figure out what is going on. Any ideas?


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Post Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:45 pm

Re: Window Stretching issue.

To add to this it doesn't matter which characters I set to open ... If the isboxer launches the game on the main monitor the games open fine and then I can load the second layout to get them to the proper location. Any character that is opened by ISboxer and moved to a different screen opens in a small window. Is maximized then moved to the other screen to the proper position and window size but in some wierd stretched custom resolution. (the in game options for resolution and display mode break and attempting to modify it crashes the game)

I did check my monitor setup to see if something changed but they are all at the same resolution, same refresh.

Whatever is going on its when I first launch the character set and it moves windows cross monitor.

Adding my config: http://www.privatepaste.com/bda7ea0233


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Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:07 am

Re: Window Stretching issue.

So as an update, I tried everything I could think of to resolve this including a full game wipe and isboxer wipe and reinstall. Nothing worked ... manually tweaking the config files allowed me to manage getting them all to work if only in 800 x 600 streched to full screen. (the original issue is it seems the main character window would open to whatever resolution I wanted but the other windows that ended up on another monitor would only open at 800 x 600 then would stretch to fit whatever window size I needed.)

So the one setting I hadn't tried adjusting through all of that fixed the issue. I switched from dx11 to dx9 and boom the next launch all windows opened at the proper resolution and went where they were supposed to go.

I am not sure what in dx 11 would cause this issue but switching to dx9 resolved it /shrug.


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Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:50 am

Re: Window Stretching issue.

WoW has a bug in its DirectX 11 code where if you pick a non-primary monitor it resets the resolution to 800x600 and the monitor to the primary display. This happens without Inner Space :(

I am working on finding a good solution, but ideally they would fix the bug in WoW.


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Post Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:37 pm

Re: Window Stretching issue.

Thanks for the headsup .. I had been smashing my head against a wall on this one till I switch to dx9 .... fyi as a work around you can do a stacked profile to launch the games then load a second profile after the clients are open and they move to the correct monitors normally. not sure why that works and its a bit annoying to have to launch the game and then load a second profile, save and export but if you must play in dx11 it does get around the issue.


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Post Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:19 am

Re: Window Stretching issue.

Amebiasis wrote:Thanks for the headsup .. I had been smashing my head against a wall on this one till I switch to dx9 .... fyi as a work around you can do a stacked profile to launch the games then load a second profile after the clients are open and they move to the correct monitors normally. not sure why that works and its a bit annoying to have to launch the game and then load a second profile, save and export but if you must play in dx11 it does get around the issue.

Thanks for the post Amebiasis ! I have been tearing my hair out with this problem and found the answer thanks to you hard work.


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Post Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:52 am

Re: Window Stretching issue.

Now, I only dual box. But I do use 2 monitors. My main on 1 monitor and my slave on the other. They are the same exact 17 inch. monitors set to 1920 x 1080

I have run into this problem also. But in WOW's options I have 3 options in the monitor drop down. Primary, Monitor 1, Monitor 2. I do not remember having these 3 options in WOW'S setting before MOP and actually I think it showed up after one of the patches for MOP. Before that I only had, Monitor 1 and Monitor 2.

if I try to set WOW's in game options to ,main, on monitor 1 and slave, on monitor 2. Or I'll get and error. My slave will do just as described, Main opens on the first monitor fine. Slave launches on that monitor in windowed mode, re-sizes then when it moves to the second monitor it is now 800 x 600.

Also like stated if you set the slave to dx9 it then will re-size to the correct resolution.

Now here's the thing. If I go back to WOW's settings and set Main character to, Primary, monitor and my Slave to Monitor 1, I then can use DX11 on both, The slave still opens on the first monitor in windowed size, but then does re-size to 1920 x 1080 and remains that when it is moved to my second monitor by ISBoxer.

I don't use swapping, since I don't need it with only 2 toons, 2 monitors and I do use, Focus game windows via mouse without clicking. Maybe that's the difference, I don't know.

Now, maybe I'm just rambling and this doesn't make sense and isn't related to the original post. But to me, try playing with your in game monitor settings and see which combination is needed to get each window to re-size correctly and to also beable to use DX 11 on all.

IE: main on primary monitor, which ever ones for your second monitor to, Monitor 1, and which ever toons on your third monitor to monitor 2. I guess that also assumes there are those options for you in WOW's drop down settings.

OH! And also, I don't know if this would make any difference. In WOW, I also have Display Mode set to, Windowed (Full Screen). I have it that way because even when I'm playing only one toon I like to be able to go to my second screen to look up something or what ever without having to alt-Tab out of game. So I carried that over to boxing just to have things set basically the same, slight OCD maybe, LOL


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Post Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:04 pm

Re: Window Stretching issue.

OH! And also, I don't know if this would make any difference. In WOW, I also have Display Mode set to, Windowed (Full Screen). I have it that way because even when I'm playing only one toon I like to be able to go to my second screen to look up something or what ever without having to alt-Tab out of game. So I carried that over to boxing just to have things set basically the same, slight OCD maybe, LOL

This is probably the entire reason. "Windowed (Full Screen)" is the same as maximizing the window on a particular monitor. You don't need to keep the setting this way for boxing, your non-boxing configuration will be unaffected by changing it while using ISBoxer, due to using a different Config.WTF file. Try setting it to just windowed or just full screen

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