Post Wed Sep 07, 2022 11:27 am

3 monitor Window Layout problems

Playing EQ with 3 monitors/displays. Coming back after 3 years off and having some setup problems. My Windows Layout (for ISBoxer) is to have my main display for Character #1 and on display 2 I have 5 equally divided regions setup for the other 5 characters. So I have some quirks with the Layout:

1. I have the Windows swapping setup on hotkeys. Cntl + Alt + 1 - 6, standard stuff (default). I also have a Logitech G11 KB that I have assigned the G1-G6 keys with the same Cntl + Alt + 1 - 6 with the Logitech Gaming software. So the keys actually send that assigned key combo when pressed. The problem is that when I use the G11 keys to swap characters it won't instantly swap them out. I press the key and it flickers the main display but doesn't swap. Then I press it again and sometimes it swaps and sometimes not. Then I click on the main display screen to re focus and hit the G11 key again and it swaps. So I found out that to get it to work I had follow that procedure for each swap. Definitely abnormal behavior. I noticed that under the key assignments dropdown that you have G11 key assignments, so is my Logitech Gaming software overriding ISBoxer assignments? Can this cause problems? Should I change either the G11 key assignments to blank, or the ISBoxer key assignments to the G11 in the Key dropdown menu?

2. So this lead me to try Mouse clicking on each characters region on display 2 to swap. This doesn't work at all. When I click on a region it immediately makes that region go black and another click makes it disappear altogether. This also happens with the above when I actually get it to swap.

3. The whole going black and then disappear thing is also related to the 3rd problem. That region will disappear and then after an undetermined time or after multiple swaps that region will reappear, but it is static. It looks like a screen shot, frozen image. So it is obviously not updating at all. Does that on all of the regions on display 2.

I know I have a problem with my Windows layout. Did I pick the wrong initial layout in the Wizard? Are my swapping regions set up right? I noticed in another post something about making the setting for "Leaving a hole" False, before you pick whichever layout you want. Because with 5 regions I definitely have a whole on that display. Do I just need to make a new layout from the Wizard and start from scratch?

This may or may not matter but here is my PC setup: AMD Ryzen 5 5600, 16gb Ram, Radeon 6600 GPU, Veiwsonic XG270QC 27" for Display 1 and an old Acer H233H 23" for Display 2. I have 6 boxed EQ with ISBoxer on worse PC's lol.

And here is my ISBoxer profile:
(259.86 KiB) Downloaded 293 times

Thanks in advance for any help.