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Action Target Group grouping in keymaps

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Post Sun Dec 15, 2019 7:40 am

Action Target Group grouping in keymaps

I'm new to ISBoxer. Just an FYI.

In setting up virtual combat DPS rotations for my first team, I realized the virtualization level could be removed if you could group things by Action Target Group.

What I mean by that is this: right now you map a key like this

Combat Hotkey -> Virtual Combat -> <insert character type specific mapping here>


Instead of that, how about the option of also having this:

(this is a text representation of the Combat Hotkeys tree)
   -Combat Hotkeys
      -Mapped Keys
         -DPS Rotation
            -ATG Elemental Shaman
               -ATG Level 1-20
               -ATG Level 21-36
            -ATG Beastmaster Hunter
               -ATG Level 1-20
               -ATG Level 21-36

See what I mean? Then you just assign different ATGs to your character as it progresses. So it's always in the ATG "Elemental Shaman", but it could be added/removed from different ATGs as it levels. Then when the system processes the keystroke, it just walks the tree and if there are any ATG sections, it moves into them if it's a member of that ATG. That way you could literally build a single DPS rotation keymap that houses every thing without virtualization. Just create ATGs for "Beastmaster Hunter" and put that characters in it. And then "Level 1-20" (or whatever naming/scale scheme you'd have) and add that to the same character. Now it hits the "Beastmaster Hunter" and goes in there and then eventually hits "Level 1-20" and goes in there and then since there are no more levels, it processes the steps.

I thought of this because I'm new and decided to level my team from nothing. It then hit me that if I wanted to change their rotation later on (which will happen, of course) then I will have to change what I built while leveling. But, if I wanted to level another character of that type later on in a team, I didn't want to lose the work I put into setting up the rotation.

This would prevent the work of having to set up a new key map for each class/spec combination and organize everything into it's logical location. Sharing the key map would be easier too.

What do you guys think?


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Post Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:24 pm

Re: Action Target Group grouping in keymaps

Sure you could remove the virtualization level if you wanted. There is more than one way to skin a cat as the saying goes. It is not mandatory to use it, but it does stop some head scratching (when it groks), and annoying warning popups.

You could also use the ATGs in the class rotations and set those up so you don't lose the effort put in there too, and still have the virtualization layer, and that way the per class configuration is stored in the class key map. Which makes it a one place stop shop when it doesn't work as expected.

For the most part, the virtualization layer is just the same as you having a Do Mapped Key Action - > To ATG, except you specify per character what mapped key is executed, rather than specifically call it out in the virtual combat, and that happens to give you the option of not having 50 Do Mapped Key -> ATG actions.


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Post Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:49 pm

Re: Action Target Group grouping in keymaps

The point of what I was saying is that there is no way to apply multiple ATGs to a single thing at once. Or at least I can't find any info on how to do it.

I'd like to set up a rotation for a class/spec/level-range and then assign those 3 ATGs to a character. Then if I ever need to level other toons in the same combination, it's all set up - just apply the ATGs to the character.

The virtualization is irrelevant. Even if I'm talking about the virtualized map, there is no way to break it down like that short of creating dozens of key maps and then having to assign them to a toon. For example, ATG of "Elemental Shaman Level 1-20", "Elemental Shaman 21-28". And then you run into the issue where the ATG you just created doesn't match all of the pieces that are inside of it. For instance, the single target may not change for 3 or 4 ATGs, but the AOE rotation changes often in the same 4. If I could just have a filter that allows it to flow to the "filtered ATG" and perform that sequence, then it'd work.

There is also the issue of not being able to use the "->self" when you target ATGs. I want to have my shaman do something individually, so virtualized (or not) and then filtered to them, the actions could be tailored to just them and isolating with "->self" without having to worry about "sending" that command to the windows where they are and then also having another step to send a command to the tank and then another step to send to the healer. They would all be on the same "step" in the rotation, so to speak, and all would just be doing their own thing.

As far as debugging the issue, it's a simple filter. Follow the chain. I think it'd be easier to follow than the virtualization, but then again, you could still have virtualization and not use the method I outlined if you chose.

I just think it opens a few more options for organization and not have so many cross-linked things working. It's a simple flow.

I honestly would love to talk to you or anyone on Discord about this and/or alternatives to doing what I said above.

I'm on there as JamesBC if you care to message me.

Everyone please reply, I'd love to hear your thoughts or ideas on this.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:59 pm

Re: Action Target Group grouping in keymaps

You might be looking for https://isboxer.com/wiki/Target specifically the operators further down for setting custom target groups.

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