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SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

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Post Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:07 pm

SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

This occurs only when the game is launched (by it's launcher) through Inner Space. This is a simple configuration (I'm a pretty good technician and I can provide any information you might request), and the game is a freeware title from SOE called "Dragon's Prophet". Quite simply, Sony's launcher works fine normally, but crashes with the following error when invoked by Inner Space:

Catastrophic Error
Cannot initialize engine, please check Direct3D or driver configuration.

There is only one button on the error dialogue box, "OK", and when clicked it closes the game that's just started to be launched. I've made a few modest changes to Inner Space which I had relative confidence in, but I'm out of my element with this utility - for that reason, I "played it safe". This had no effect on the symptoms. I found similar errors in these forums where a suggested fix was to update nVidia's drivers, and I have done so. Still no relief.

Please advise, Lax! - many thx.


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Post Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:37 pm

Re: SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

Is Dragons Prophet still Direct3D 10 only? D3D10 is not currently supported by Inner Space. I did some testing with this game specifically to get it working last year, but sadly doing so ended up causing more problems than it was worth.

I'll revisit this game soon and see what I can do about this error


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Post Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:41 pm

Re: SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

I thought about that possibility, but I don't think that it's D3D10 only, although I'm willing to be wrong. Let's start there - I'll do that research and comment back on that.


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Post Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:17 am

Re: SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

Ok,there's more here, Lax http://www.dragonspropheteurope.com/forum/topic/5984-clicking-start-game-button-in-client-opens-large-black-screen-which-becomes-unresponsive-help/ - comment #9 from a "Community Manager". Such a manager in this official forum represents a paid Sony employee, although not necessarily a technical engineer. Here's the sentence:

Well i just had a quick check and your GFX Card does not support DirectX 11 which Dragon's Prophet requires to run.

I wouldn't necessarily rely on this as being the absolute truth. This is a poorly written, practically unsupported game. It's possible that there are mixed elements of both DX10 and DX11 to be found within its code.


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Post Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:56 am

Re: SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

It would be better to look in the in-game settings for a drop-down box or something that lets you pick the Direct3D version.

You can also get me "Diagnostics for game crashes" from ISBoxer's Help menu -- http://isboxer.com/wiki/Diagnostics. Get this from a running instance of the game


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Post Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:46 pm

Re: SOE (Sony) Launcher produces 'Catastrophic Error'

this is a bit older, but...

that error happened to me today because i renamed the dp_x64.exe to force the launcer to use the dp_x86.exe

he couldnt find the dp_x64.exe so the launcher threw out that error. might be usefull later ^^

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