gymrat2k wrote:Thanks for the videos from AOC and TSW, I've watched and enjoyed them. Now you got interested me in multiboxing TSW also
I did get a grandmaster pack – lifetime sub – back when it launched but've mostly played AOC.
Thanks for the response.
I also purchased a Grand Master Pack when TSW launched, but only started multiboxing when it went free to play and it went on sale for 1/3 of the price. I did enjoy Multiboxing Conan but due to the difficult in the dungeons i lost interest, I was able to complete Burning Sanctum but that was about it, at 80 i farmed Keshetta Epic for the boss mobs and then ventured into Onyx Chambers and killed a boss in there but had trouble after that and lost alot of motivation(i found the bosses to be much easier than a the trash they seem to do the same damage but there were 2 or more hitting you not 1).
I have been playing rift with the PRO setup, So i might use what i have learned and go back to Conan and give that a try.
Tsw is a bit easier and with the Ability And Skill Wheel i enjoy testing builds and being able to change on the fly for specific fights. i have cleared 2 dungeons so far and i have only been multiboxing TSW for a few days.
Looting is easy i just set the group to free for all and only roll on Rare or Epic items so i can just run past them and hit the Aoe loot Hotkey and continue on without going through the loot.
Most missions are multiboxer friendly with the Interact key you can usually run everyone over the item and interact at the same time, most missions share the objective so i only have to do it once but i have found a couple that require each character to pick up a specific item but that is okay with me since that rarely happens.
The only Missions that are not Multiboxer friendly are the main story missions with the Solo instanced areas and the investigation missions but i usually just avoid those and grab something else.
I could go on for awhile but i am kinda tired atm

Good luck with Age of Conan it is a great game.