ISBoxer Debugging Console

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The ISBoxer Debugging Console shows a history of certain Actions in the current window.
Find the debugging console via the ISBoxer Control Panel, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G (by default)

ISBoxer 39 provides a new ISBoxer Debugging Console that can be used to gain some insight into why your keys operate the way they do. For example, in any given window, the new console will provide a history of keystrokes sent to it -- and where the keystroke came from. Several filters are available to toggle "spam" from different types of Actions.

To use the ISBoxer Debugging Console
  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G in a game window (you may have changed the Hotkey in your Character Set, for opening the in-game ISBoxer Control Panel)
  2. Click the Debug tab in the ISBoxer Control Panel
  3. Click the Show Debug Console button at the top of the Debug tab

Controls in the Debug tab

The drop-down box allows you to block, allow, or force debugging. "Allow" means that the allowed debugging types depend on the check boxes below it.

Filters currently available

See Also