ISBoxer.com Multiboxer Profile: DoomBoom
Rank: member
Recent link submissions from DoomBoom
- video: 4Boxing SWTOR "The Hate Machine" - 4 Inquisitors (view)
- submitted by DoomBoom
This is me 4boxing a very low level dungeon in SWTOR. I was playing around with different classes at this point to see what I liked/disliked about each individuals classes power-sets in regards to multiboxing.
Needless to say, and as you can see from the video, I wasn't very good with them yet. Gameplay Star Wars: The Old Republic
- picture: 4Boxing SWTOR "Victory Pose after Cademimu's last boss!" (view)
- submitted by DoomBoom
It took me a few tries to learn the boss fight, but once I did I managed to 4box the last boss into oblivion. This is the victory shot over his corpse, like some African big game hunter of old! Star Wars: The Old Republic Screenshot
- picture: 4Boxing SWTOR (view)
- submitted by DoomBoom
This picture is right before the last boss fight in the Flashpoint "Boarding Party"
Good Times! Star Wars: The Old Republic Screenshot
- video: 4Boxing SWTOR "Hammer Station" with 4 different classes (view)
- submitted by DoomBoom
This is my first attempt with a new team at handling Hammer Station. Using 4 different classes was a brand new challenge for me, and I have hopes of taking these four into end game content. We shall see as I'm a little bit flightly with classes, alts, and remaking my team.
Figuring out the keymaps and setting everything up for this particular team was more complicated than I had envisioned originally, but everything worked out pretty well. Gameplay Star Wars: The Old Republic
- video: 4Boxing SWTOR dungeon "The Foundry" (view)
- submitted by DoomBoom
If you play SWTOR (Star Wars The Old Republic) for the storyline, then you should be aware that there ARE story spoilers in this video.
The epic boss fights of the Foundry made me giggle with pure GLEE. Like a schoolgirl I bounced in my chair with a mad grin on my face while I ran this Flashpoint!
I've only included the two boss fights of "note" (at least in my opinion), for your viewing pleasure!
Gameplay Star Wars: The Old Republic