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Trying to make keymaps from scratch

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Post Mon Sep 23, 2019 1:05 pm

Trying to make keymaps from scratch

I am trying to get ATG to work. It's a bit hit or miss at the moment.

I got very confused by the combat broadcast hotkey and combat broadcast keymaps, and i decided to try and delete them.

What I am trying to do: I want to press the 1 on my keyboard and have it send 1 and 2 on my actionbar on my warrior. Then I want to press 2 on my keyboard and have it send 2 to the mages' actionbar. That's all.

So now I don't have any keymaps except for the standard ones minus the combat keymaps, and none of them have anything in them except for the warrior keymap and the mages keymap. The warrior has 2 actions bound to 1: send 1 and 2 to target window warrior. The mages keymap have only a single key bound which is 2: send 2 to all of mages. I have placed my characters into the ATG of mages and warrior respectively. I have also added the characters to the keymap themselves (which I don't understand the point of - I thought that was what ATG was for).

YET, when I press any of my 1-0 keys on my warrior, it all goes through, even though the only keys mapped to him is 1 and 2 (by pressing 1, he should receive 1 and 2). When I press 1, it cycles between charge and the no 2 button (sunder), so that is actually working, but when I press 2, he also does sunder, and the mages do nothing (they are supposed to cast the spell on the actionbar trigged by 2).
Help :D


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Post Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:56 pm

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch



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Post Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:11 pm

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch

August78 wrote: I have also added the characters to the keymap themselves (which I don't understand the point of - I thought that was what ATG was for).
This is the INITIAL loaded/unloaded state of the Key Map when you start the team. If you want the KeyMap to be loaded when you start your team, you assign it. If you do not want it loaded (and thus nothing in it works), then you don't assign it (and if you want it to work later you need a mapped key that Loads it via a Key Map State Action).

August78 wrote: YET, when I press any of my 1-0 keys on my warrior, it all goes through, even though the only keys mapped to him is 1 and 2 (by pressing 1, he should receive 1 and 2). When I press 1, it cycles between charge and the no 2 button (sunder), so that is actually working, but when I press 2, he also does sunder, and the mages do nothing (they are supposed to cast the spell on the actionbar trigged by 2).
If you don't have a Hotkey being captured by ISBoxer and triggering a mapped key, then that key falls through to the current active window, because ISBoxer has not been told to do anything with it.
So, on your Warrior, because 2 is not bound as a hotkey, it just falls through.

From the sounds of it, your Warrior, does not have a mapped key with 2 as the hotkey, because you've got that in a separate Key Map which is only being loaded by your Mage. So, if your Mage is active, then only the Key Maps loaded by the Mage are active, and when the Warrior is active, only the Key Maps loaded by the Warrior are active, and for both, if they don't have mapped keys capturing the keys you press as hotkeys, those ones fall through to the active window.

At some point, you will click that each toon loads it's own copy of the Key Maps (and the mapped keys within), and if you only assign the initial load state to one toon, then only that toon has that Key Map (and mapped keys) working.

Other than my guess work, as MiRai said, Share your profile.


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Post Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:09 am

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch

bob wrote:
August78 wrote: I have also added the characters to the keymap themselves (which I don't understand the point of - I thought that was what ATG was for).
This is the INITIAL loaded/unloaded state of the Key Map when you start the team. If you want the KeyMap to be loaded when you start your team, you assign it. If you do not want it loaded (and thus nothing in it works), then you don't assign it (and if you want it to work later you need a mapped key that Loads it via a Key Map State Action).

August78 wrote: YET, when I press any of my 1-0 keys on my warrior, it all goes through, even though the only keys mapped to him is 1 and 2 (by pressing 1, he should receive 1 and 2). When I press 1, it cycles between charge and the no 2 button (sunder), so that is actually working, but when I press 2, he also does sunder, and the mages do nothing (they are supposed to cast the spell on the actionbar trigged by 2).
If you don't have a Hotkey being captured by ISBoxer and triggering a mapped key, then that key falls through to the current active window, because ISBoxer has not been told to do anything with it.
So, on your Warrior, because 2 is not bound as a hotkey, it just falls through.

From the sounds of it, your Warrior, does not have a mapped key with 2 as the hotkey, because you've got that in a separate Key Map which is only being loaded by your Mage. So, if your Mage is active, then only the Key Maps loaded by the Mage are active, and when the Warrior is active, only the Key Maps loaded by the Warrior are active, and for both, if they don't have mapped keys capturing the keys you press as hotkeys, those ones fall through to the active window.

At some point, you will click that each toon loads it's own copy of the Key Maps (and the mapped keys within), and if you only assign the initial load state to one toon, then only that toon has that Key Map (and mapped keys) working.

Other than my guess work, as MiRai said, Share your profile.

Thanks guys. Unfortunately, I deleted my profile (yet again) to start over so right now I have all the standard maps including combat broadcast and combat broadcast keymaps. Based on your reply, it doesn't sound like I will be able to only have a few hotkeys bound because the keys on my keyboard that aren't bound will "fall through" to the main window no matter what I do. Is that correct?

I saw a video from Mirai where he was demonstrating keybinds (the one where he has three chars on a horizontal layout - think it was in ironforge). I seem to remember him "starting with a clean slate" and only have a couple of hotkeys bound, where 1 would go to char A and B, and 2 would go to char C.


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Post Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:29 am

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch

August78 wrote:Thanks guys. Unfortunately, I deleted my profile (yet again) to start over so right now I have all the standard maps including combat broadcast and combat broadcast keymaps. Based on your reply, it doesn't sound like I will be able to only have a few hotkeys bound because the keys on my keyboard that aren't bound will "fall through" to the main window no matter what I do. Is that correct?

I saw a video from Mirai where he was demonstrating keybinds (the one where he has three chars on a horizontal layout - think it was in ironforge). I seem to remember him "starting with a clean slate" and only have a couple of hotkeys bound, where 1 would go to char A and B, and 2 would go to char C.

If you think about it, the normal situation is that if you press a key on the keyboard, then it goes to the active window of the computer. This is what ISBoxer does, IF YOU HAVE NOT DESIGNATED THAT KEY AS DOING SOMETHING ELSE i.e. created a mapped key WITH A HOTKEY TO TRIGGER IT. This is also why, when pressing the standard movement keys, like WASD or ARROWS, that your main active toon still moves around. Because you have not told ISBoxer they should do anything different to what is usual.

I'm not sure what you expect from ISBoxer. It'll do what it is told to do, when it is told to do it. If you don't tell it otherwise, HTF is it supposed to know what you want it to do?


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Post Tue Sep 24, 2019 6:19 am

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch

I understand that, and Im not dissing the program. Im far too incompetent to be dissing anything about it :D
That is why I'd rather ask some questions and try to understand the logic instead of fumble in the dark.

The thing is that I thought I HAD told isboxer what to do. Instead it did something different. What I did was to create a blank keymap listing, and populate it with a few keys. Then I designated two different ATG for them. However, now Im starting to think that maybe I need to create a KEYMAP for the keys I wish isboxer to manage, and THEN I need to make two different hotkey listings that call for the keymap.

So keymap would look like
x: send 1 to ATG1
x1: send 2 to ATG1
x2: send 3 to ATG2

And then make a hotkey listing saying:
1: call for x and x1 self
2: call for x1 self

Something like that? Like making first a general keymap for which keys I want to use, and then a separate list for HOW to use them?


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Post Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:45 pm

Re: Trying to make keymaps from scratch

Not saying you were dissing it. The emphasis was purely to try and ram the point home. It's good you want to understand it, and when it clicks it will be one of those, "oh, that's so obvious" moments.

What you seem to be trying to do is create a pro-style config, where you have one keymap with all the hotkeys (well, you can have more if you want), and then each class responds in it's own specific way to that hotkey, and where you haven't configured a class to do anything, then it doesn't.

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