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Mouse repeater not working

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Post Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:04 pm

Mouse repeater not working

Long time user. I just transferred servers and for some reason, the mouse repeter stopped working. I went into the controls and found everything looked right except (oddly enough) the default "Show fake cursor in Repeter target windows when mouse repeat is enabled" was unchecked.

I rechecked THAT box, double checked the all my character sets were using the default Repeater profile (it is the ONLY repeater profile I have).

Now, I would see the fake mouse but still nothing will click.

I turned off/on again the broadcasting command. Got visual confirmation in green that broadcasting was on (for all characters). Still nothing.

I saved my character profile, downloaded a fresh install and reinstalled both Innerspace and IsBoxer. Copied over my saved 2 files. Still not working.

The box is checked for "Mouse repeat enabled" (and I can see the phantom mouse when i hover over a window created for another character). Repeater pass-thru is enabled on every created window for the other characters.

I have also ensured that the box is checked for "Make game believe it is foreground window"

I created a new Character set. Still not working. I have checked each character individually: the box is NOT checked for "Ignore keyboard/mouse broadcasts sent to this character"

If this does not work, I will reinstall isboxer without any of my saved files and recompile from scratch - I am out of options while something in my head thinks it is probably something very trivial or stupid I am overlooking.

Config: https://pastebin.com/iaLMY87u


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Post Sat Feb 23, 2019 8:03 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Kialya wrote:except (oddly enough) the default "Show fake cursor in Repeter target windows when mouse repeat is enabled" was unchecked.
This depends on the game and whether it has a hardware vs software cursor. Up to you on this one.
Kialya wrote:Repeater pass-thru is enabled on every created window for the other characters.
This sounds like a VideoFX option, which has nothing to do with the missing repeater.

I suspect your issue stems from the fact you have an older ISBoxer 41 style AND an ISBoxer 42 style profile mixed together, which are BOTH assigned to your Character Sets, and BOTH have an enable/disable Repeater (broadcasting), BUT you ONLY HAVE ONE of the toggle menus assigned, so when you are using the toggle buttons, or pressing the hotkey for Repeater, then stuff gets out of sync. Use either the old style setup, or the new style setup, but NOT BOTH.

Seeing as most of your mapped keys are in old style, you can fix this for each character set by
for each character set in the top left
  1. select the character set in the top left
  2. select Key Maps in the lower left
  3. remove the highlight on all the ISB42 items in the lower right
  4. select Menus in the lower left
  5. remove the highlight on "ISB42 - Toggles" menu
  6. set the highlight on the "Toggles" menu

Then Export to InnerSpace.


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:09 am

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Thank you for your help.

I took your advice and assumed I had some character profile mess up that when I reinstalled/copied the old profile, the problem followed. I went and deleted everything and just re-created my set from scratch. Works like a champ.

Now to figure out why the characters are all movement linked .. I turn one and all the rest move too .


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:36 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Ok, really. I recreated everything from scratch with all new downloads. Saved all and exported to innerspace. Logged off. In the morning I have the same problem? /boggle. Reposting new config since I redid from scratch.


*edit* and all my characters are doing what my tank is doing - from hails to /say. Also I noticed there are multiple cursors on all screens. Help?

I turned off everything pretty much. All the broadcasting to stop all the characters from copying my tank etc. Still nada. Still playing with the settings. Just confused.

This after turning off everything pretty much except for my custom hotkey set: https://pastebin.com/s0HrwrB3


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:46 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

In your most recent profile, you've set up all of your custom Mapped Keys inside of the "Always On" Key Map, which, as is hinted at in its name, is always enabled and never toggled off. So, my suggestion, would be to delete those Mapped Keys out of "Always On" and recreate them in another Key Map, preferably "Base Hotkeys" or the conveniently named "Custom Hotkeys," both of which do get toggled off.


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 1:54 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Ok, I used to have all my custom keys in the Always On map because I use them all the time and need them on all the time. I never want to toggle them off. Would it be better to put the custom keys under the Custom Key menu instead? At this time, I do not use Isboxer for following or any particular formation, assist, targeting or any other such commands.

Regardless, even if all the hotkeys are turned off, I still cannot click into other windows. The game ignores the click even though I can see the mouse moving in the other window. It acts as if I did not check the Repeter pass-thru button on the Video FX Editor.


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:41 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

On a whim, I recreated the group using a different name. I did not alter any settings and choose the basic settings for all options (no broadcasting). It also does not work. Cannot click in another character's window created using VFX source/Viewer with click through enabled.


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:59 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

Just so I am clear as to what I am trying to accomplish: I use IsBoxer to allow me to see windows of specific areas of my other characters while I drive my box team with my tank. I want to be able to click on my healer's cast bar in Everquest to allow me to heal from that window while remaining on my tank. For the same reason, I want to be able to manually click a mez spell on my enchanter without tabbing over to my enchanter's window.

My tank's main window as you can image is a bit crowded with multiple windows from the entire group. In most cases, I just have a copy of their target window and a few hotkeys. In each case, I have created a window of the other characters as a source in the Video FX Editor, then on the tank's screen, I have the Viewer enabled with all the snippits of what I want to see on the tank's screen that I can click into to cast various spells or hotkeys. I can see the virtual mouse in the viewing windows but they ignore any input click.

As I said before, the system acts as if I had forgotten to click the Repeter pass-thru button on the Video FX Editor Viewer window but trust me it is ticked on.


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:51 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

So, we seem to be addressing two entirely separate issues here, which makes this difficult to follow along with, and, in the future, should really be split into separate threads.

Kialya wrote:Ok, I used to have all my custom keys in the Always On map because I use them all the time and need them on all the time. I never want to toggle them off.

My reply was aimed at what you had said in your previous post:

Kialya wrote:all my characters are doing what my tank is doing - from hails to /say. Also I noticed there are multiple cursors on all screens. Help?

I turned off everything pretty much. All the broadcasting to stop all the characters from copying my tank etc. Still nada. Still playing with the settings. Just confused.

Regardless, I can now see that you've unassigned all of your Key Maps from your Character Set, except for Always On, and so you will never be able to enable or disable Repeater, and you will also never be able to disable Key Maps. So, when you say "I turned off everything pretty much," I don't know what you're referring to, because as your profile currently stands, it's mostly non-functional and you can't turn anything off.

You've heavily modified the defaults, and I'm not sure why.

Kialya wrote:Regardless, even if all the hotkeys are turned off, I still cannot click into other windows. The game ignores the click even though I can see the mouse moving in the other window. It acts as if I did not check the Repeter pass-thru button on the Video FX Editor.
Kialya wrote:On a whim, I recreated the group using a different name. I did not alter any settings and choose the basic settings for all options (no broadcasting). It also does not work. Cannot click in another character's window created using VFX source/Viewer with click through enabled.

I don't know what you're clicking, but based on what you say here...
Kialya wrote:Just so I am clear as to what I am trying to accomplish: I use IsBoxer to allow me to see windows of specific areas of my other characters while I drive my box team with my tank. I want to be able to click on my healer's cast bar in Everquest to allow me to heal from that window while remaining on my tank. For the same reason, I want to be able to manually click a mez spell on my enchanter without tabbing over to my enchanter's window.

...then I have to ask: Do you have a target prior to trying to execute these actions that require a target (like healing and CC)?

Again, based on what is working in your profile, I can only see a single Mapped Key for assist, which is sent to "All w/ Current," or everyone in your party (assist should technically be "All w/o Current" because you can't assist yourself). If everyone is assisting the tank, then your healer will, presumably, have a hostile target.

So, how are you acquiring a proper target for these characters in your party that are assigned to do specific tasks?


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Post Sun Feb 24, 2019 4:40 pm

Re: Mouse repeater not working

I am sorry for being confusing. I know very little about ISBoxer. I got things just the way I like them years ago and up until this week everything worked fine.

On my tank, I target what I am killing and I have a mouse with 6 buttons I have assigned keystrokes too. After I target the mob, I click the mouse button that sends the command alt+; that tells everyone to assist my tank. Then I hit alt + E to tell everyone to attack with the first round of attacks on the mob. I have mouse buttons set to autofollow my tank, attack etc. Each character has hotkeys set up with these alt commands. I do a direct broadcast hotkey system - so Alt+t goes to all characters as Alt + T. For example, on each character's hotbar, I have Alt + T assigned /target Tank. I hit Alt + T and everyone targets my tank instantly.

My hotkeys were never the issue. My problem was I was not using the proper terminology to describe what I was trying to do.

My issue was only that I could not click in the video FX window and have that click transmitted to that other character. I mouse play - I am a mouse clicker style player. Most of my commands are through mouse clicks. When you say 'I don't know what you are clicking' I am clicking various spells and hotkeys through the video FX 'window' on my other characters. Either a spell or a hotkey -- via a direct click. I am not using key broadcasting or mouse broadcasting. I set up my windows to click in via: http://isboxer.com/wiki/Video_FX. I enable click-thru to allow me to click their spell bars or hotkeys.

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