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Anarchy Online

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Post Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:13 am

Anarchy Online

Hello. I just got the trial and have been trying to get this to work with Anarchy Online. I followed the videos and got it set up. I got it launching (albeit not very well). However at the login screen when I try to put in my password it won't log me in. When I launch the game without letting isboxer launch it it logs in fine.

I've tried everything I can think of. Tried disabling all firewalls. I did try running isboxer with this game many moons ago and I did eventually get it working. And it didn't have this particular log in issue. I was really hoping to get this going.

Any thoughts? Thank you!

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Post Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:16 am

Re: Anarchy Online

Have you disabled Key Maps (SHIFT+ALT+M or the left toggle overlay button) before typing in your password?


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Post Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:28 am

Re: Anarchy Online

bob wrote:Have you disabled Key Maps (SHIFT+ALT+M or the left toggle overlay button) before typing in your password?

Yep tried without that. I use ctrl+v anyway. But typing it in doesn't work either.


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Post Mon Aug 13, 2018 11:16 am

Re: Anarchy Online

No idea if this is at all relevant but I vaguely remember that when I tried this years ago it launched the license agreement/patch window that always comes up for this game. Now in ISboxer I see 2 options for "default profile" and "no patch". When I use no patch it works and opens the game window/character selection screen and bypassing that first window but I can't log in as I said. When I use default it opens the eula/patch window but when I click accept on the window it comes up with an error R6031 "Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application.

Oh I should probably make clear that in this game there are 2 windows, or 3..sort of...for logging in. First is the EULA agreement that you click accept to then the window for settings and the play button that takes you into the character selection screen (which ISboxer bypasses these 2 steps if that option is selected), and then finally the character selection screen where you choose a visual of your character and actually log into the game. AO didn't used to have this third visual character selection screen and probably didn't when I last tried.

I also see a parameters field. Not sure what I can do with that.

PS: Learned something else. Trying and trying again I got it to launch the game via the "default" rather than the "no patch" option using a different exe I found and it launched. It said something about either no cache, or using cache, or something with the cache and it succeeded in opening the window and allowing me to log in. Of course this was only through innerspace>game>"game default profile" and not isboxer suite. So none of my characters and character settings were actually loaded, it was just the game itself. When I tried to repeat the exact some procedure multiple times it's giving me the same error as before. Something to do with cache?

Edit: I also can't install isboxer via the normal downloaded Lavish.ISBoxerBundle .exe because i get an error "Download Failed: SendRequest Error". I used the separate Lavish.InnerSpace and Lavish.ISBoxerSuite.Current .exe's that were instructed on this page viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8949 So if that can help make sense of this i'm not sure, but just putting it out there.

Edit 2: I think i've got it narrowed down to the game not liking it to log in when it bypasses the eula/patcher. i manged to find another download exe via the front page isboxer.com rather than the my account page. It did install albeit with more errors. So when i launch through inner space with no patcher selected and without loading a character set it does the same thing. But when i use the "default profile" option it does let me log in. However when i use the default profile option in the quick setup wizard to make my character set and try to now launch the game via the character set from inner space it still bypasses the launcher (even though i selected default profile during quick setup wizard) and thus doesnt allow me to log in.

Edit 3, yet again: I somehow managed to figure it out and got it to launch through the "default profile/eula/patcher" window when launching through character sets. I accomplished this by setting some combination of window layout options (got me why this would allow this to work). When it worked i didnt have my team set up and so i went back to try it again and it gave me that R6031 error again. After trying and trying and that error finally went away. but when i went back to try and replicate what id done i couldnt for the life of me remember those window layout settings i used to make it work the first time. Man if i was only logging each and every thing i tried..... If anyone could figure that part out id be most grateful.


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Post Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:03 pm

Re: Anarchy Online

Rather than send this in an email as I was just about to I thought id post it here for others to see since you're already aware.

I know some of this is rehashing a bit of what I already said but i wanted to try and be a little more concise to everything i've figured out thus far rather than on a post by post learning basis.

Basically after making a character set it won't allow me to log in passed the password box. The password loading bar just keeps going. When I log in normally it lets me log in fine. Even if i load the game directly through inner space using the "Default Profile" it will let me log in. But when I try to set that "Default Profile" setting through the Quick Setup Wizard, and log in with a character set, it still bypasses the eula/patcher and thus wont accept a password/let me passed that box.

I did actually manage to stop it from bypassing the eula window one time (and it then accepted a password!) and this worked when I used some combination of settings in the Window Layout Wizard, but i cant for the life of me remember what i used.

So I think I've definitely narrowed the problem down to either isboxer or the game not letting me through the password box because of when I bypass the eula/patcher window. Even if that isnt the direct cause.

Even so, at least half of the time when i try to login without loading through a character set it gives me that R6031 error again before i even get to the patcher window (even though the other half of the time it will allow me). It happens sometimes and sometimes not. Sometimes when i close both inner space and ISBoxer Suite. And other times even after that it doesnt work.

And even if i set no window layout at all it still bypasses the eula patcher and again wont let me passed the password box.

I really hope I can get this figured out as I was really looking forward to getting my nostalgia on with MBing power through ISBoxer. Id much prefer this over hotkeynet. Hotkeynet runs commands down the script in sequential order while it seems ISBoxer sends commands to all windows simultaneously if what I remember when i tried this during new engine launch is correct. Much more fluid responsive gameplay.


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Post Wed Aug 15, 2018 9:32 am

Re: Anarchy Online

No idea if this is at all relevant but I vaguely remember that when I tried this years ago it launched the license agreement/patch window that always comes up for this game. Now in ISboxer I see 2 options for "default profile" and "no patch". When I use no patch it works and opens the game window/character selection screen and bypassing that first window but I can't log in as I said. When I use default it opens the eula/patch window but when I click accept on the window it comes up with an error R6031 "Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application.

My apologies, I just got time this morning to check this out and I'm not seeing this sort of issue with the AO launcher. The "This indicates a bug in your application" portion of the R6031 error is making an incorrect assumption about the application. What it is indicating here is that some program is loading in a DLL, and that DLL happens to break things here when used in conjunction with ISBoxer. That it does not happen for me is an indication that this is something on your PC.

So we will go for Compatibility Diagnostics: http://isboxer.com/wiki/Diagnostics
Get the diagnostics from a running instance of the AO launcher.

You can also try grabbing me a Trace Diagnostics from an instance of the AO launcher that has the R6031 error up. This will produce a .dmp file which you can either DM me in Discord (thanks for joining) or email to lax@lavishsoft.com


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Post Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:57 am

Re: Anarchy Online

Sent both of those through discord.

As for it being my PC. Well I just reinstalled my OS a few days ago on a brand new SSD. Posting specs if any of that helps.

Windows 7 64bit Home SP1 with all updates freshly installed.
Asrock Z97 Extreme 4
SLI 2x GTX 970's (tried with and without SLI enabled)
16gb gskill sniper ddr3
crucial mx500 1tb


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Post Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:17 pm

Re: Anarchy Online

Okay, I spent some time on this and have solutions for you. :)

So first off, about the hang on login box in game. The "Anarchy Online No Patch" Game Profile has outdated Parameters and is therefore launching the game incorrectly. Due to the incorrect value, it is not connecting properly. The old parameters were... "IA700453413 IP7509 DU" ... the new parameters are: "IA700453413 IP7505 DU" -- the IP7509 is now IP7505. After adjusting this in your Inner Space Game Profile (see http://isboxer.com/wiki/Game_Profile) this problem should no longer occur.

I have a new development build coming to fix issues with the AO launcher, and to correct the default "No Patch" profile values for new installs

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