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odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

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Post Sat May 13, 2017 7:55 pm

odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

im using isboxer for some time and after recent patch 9may i saw massive lagging when using my mining isbboxer set . Problem only showing up if i start eve with selected regions for every window and forced fps . In past every eve client try to make 60fps after this patch background windows drop to around 20 .

Game lagging my pc when i start it with isbboxer but going allright with out it . Rly odd for me look like ccp do something that inerspace cant handle and lagging pc


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Post Sun May 14, 2017 5:40 am

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

We have had no other reports of this kind of thing at this time, but hey, you never know.

You could try a new Window Layout, in case a recent Windows/graphics driver update has caused the Windows internal display references to change.

The other will be to maybe try a different CPU strategy. The most common one is to set the "Select all CPU's with every window", or even the "Select no CPU's, let the game do it". You can still set the FPS options. Both these options should result in the same thing.

You could try a round robin setup if you want to, and if you have enough cores. You may need to fine tune the allocation, but this is normally best avoided unless you do some monitoring of your CPU usage to determine what other non-game processes are kicking in at various times. People tend to say it doesn't do it when I run them outside of ISBoxer, and well, the preferred options for CPU strategy are exactly that.

You could also test out the in game settings, i.e. if set to Fullscreen, change to Windowed. If set to Windowed, change to Fullscreen. Maybe also check whether you are in dx9 or dx11. Dx9 still seems to be a better option in some circumstances, but switching may also be relevant.

Finally, you could also go through the Tweak your Framerate page, or even post a compatibility diagnostics, just to rule out anything else.


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Post Sun May 14, 2017 8:33 am

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

will try


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Post Thu May 18, 2017 4:32 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

Yes, there has to have been a change started about 2 patches ago with EvE.

I have been able to easily run 8 or even 10 accounts with no problems, smooth character switching.. now.. woah wth

non-active windows drop to near 0 FPS, makes doing anything impossible. For example if I undock my mining fleet all the screen just go black for sometimes several minutes before things seem to catch up. I even tried to mine some (once I finally got everyone out to the field) and when some rats showed up I thought I was going to loose a ship because it was impossible to switch, target, lock, rep. Switch thru the characters and pretty much everything is reduced to single digit or less FPS.

I have tried everything suggested here and in the EvE forums. Including uninstalling gfx drivers, rolling back drivers to older ones that I know worked well, have gone through all the CPU options and tried several window layout options (non of which seems to make much difference). And yes several people are reporting problems on the EVE forums and the Devs have even posted suggested fixes. I suspect like the poster above me however that they may have indeed introduced some change that makes using multiple accounts difficult.

It's like, regardless of how you have the CPU management set up, non-active windows get near zero CPU/GPU power. The strange thing is: if you open a window in front of everything, like bring up the isboxer toolkit window in front of the running EvE clients, suddenly all the EvE clients even out at about 30 FPS each.. it may in fact work better if you could 'trick' the computer into thinking something else was the active window instead of an EvE client? ugh.. idk

This is really quite frustrating though and I am really surprised I have not seen more people post about it; so if anyone is still currently running multiple accounts without any noticeable change in performance.. I am all ears lol.


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Post Thu May 18, 2017 5:05 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

For laughs, have you tried not setting the FPS limiter in ISBoxer? Either by using the Wizard and setting the Fore/Back ground options to 0, or by unselecting it on each slot in the character set?



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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Thu May 18, 2017 5:26 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

toepick wrote:I have tried everything suggested here and in the EvE forums.

Including this?
https://pr.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/6b ... sues_with/


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Post Thu May 18, 2017 6:30 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

I did turn off the eve voice on all the accounts..

I have not tried to manually select or deselect the CPU's on each of the team slots.. I will try that now, thank you!

Edit: set fps 30/30, no change.. set 60/60 no change.. set 100/60.. no problem with 100fps on active screens.. but still get inactive to drop down in single digits. I put all clients in 'potato' mode and full quality mode and it makes no difference in performance. I also turn all audio off on all the clients with no noticeable change. I would expect to see some kind of change with all graphics at lowest setting, but it behaves exactly the same.. I ran a benchmark test on the graphics card and it worked fine so I don't think there is a problem with the card.. if it could only be that easy lol.


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Post Thu May 18, 2017 7:31 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

Actually my suggestion was in reference to unticking the boxes so ISBoxer was not attempting to do any limiting.....


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Post Thu May 18, 2017 11:45 pm

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

bob wrote:Actually my suggestion was in reference to unticking the boxes so ISBoxer was not attempting to do any limiting.....


okay, just did that and.. interesting..

In station my active window is like 250-300 fps, inactive windows are about 30

In space 150-200 and 15-20

This may make things playable.. and my fans were not pegging out at top rpm to keep things cool.. so it seems to be stable.

Still.. even tho it speeds it up, you can tell there is some issue with client swapping.. you still get the black screens and the.. jerkyness? but it all happens a lot faster now...unfortunately I have to work a 16hr shift tomorrow but when I get home tom. night I will take 'em all out and see how it works with them all mining ect..



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Post Fri May 19, 2017 12:30 am

Re: odd problem with eveonline multiple accounts

Ok, so if you are still willing to test, you might have more consistent results with having the Foreground window limiter set, and the background one not, seeing as the issue, as reported, only seems to be with background windows. Worth a shot I say. Not sure about the jerkiness/black windows thing. Usually anytime someone mentions the black windows with EVE it usually means needing to use a VideoFX Layout (mainly due to playing on a laptop - but I think this is not the case for you). Might be another thing to test though.

There is a limiter in Inner Space too, which you should have no need to fiddle with, but it should have taken over when you unselected the ISBoxer option, but it doesn't seem like it is enabled from your reported results? (it should have also caused the same issue as it is the same method that ISBoxer uses to set limits AFAIK). This makes me wonder if perhaps you are running some other Inner Space script/module? If you are, you should be disabling that for testing.

In case your interesting in some more fiddling with options. Note that these options will only have an effect if you do not have ISBoxer setting limits and you do not have some other Inner Space script/module pissing about with the limiters.

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