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Maximum performances ?

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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:55 am

Maximum performances ?

Greetings everyone, I'm actually trying to run 10 to 12 box on the same comp, and so far I had decent results (my comp got some nice 12GO Ram, so working 'almost' good).

But from time to time, I do experience some freeze, and I kinda hate that. The good option would probably be to drop some of those 12 clients on a second comp, but before doing so, I just want to make sure I've just configurated my clients correctly.

I pretty much dropped every option down, but my clients are still moving somewhere between 750 to 810 RAM Mo, anyone here has a setup so I could eventualy lower that ? (I'm assuming RAM is the only issue I have to get those 12 running)

I didn't get deep into Inner Space itself (I mean, Game configuration, CPU assignement and so on, any advices are good. Thanks !)


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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:06 am

Re: Maximum performances ?

You don't have to do any configuring in Inner Space itself. ISBoxer configures, and overrides, anything it needs to configure in Inner Space for you.

The CPU Management page on the wiki has good advice as far as CPU selection goes. You would ideally want 1 CPU core per instance of the game, so 10-12 isn't going to be particularly favorable assuming you only have 4 CPU cores (an i7 is still 4 CPU cores; if you have one and you're treating it as 8, that might be a big part of why you're experiencing "freezes". read the CPU Management page)

ISBoxer 39 when it comes out (sometime this week) has some new CPU management features built into the Quick Setup Wizard, which will help with this sort of question as well... by automatically doing what the CPU Management page says to do ;)

Finally, if you're running more instances than your PC can comfortably run, consider using EQPlayNice for its Rendering Limiting feature. (EQPlayNice is a Lavish Software product and is covered by your IS/ISBoxer subscription) What this feature does is prevent the game from rendering the game world every frame (when not focused), while allowing it to render the GUI. Rendering the game world takes up a lot of CPU/GPU time, so disabling that allows the game itself to operate much faster and with less stress on your CPU and GPU. However, it does make the game appear to "flicker", which is undesirable. If you need to squeeze performance, though, it is a HUGE benefit. To try this out, just download WinEQ 2, and run it as Administrator if you're on Vista or later. It will sit in the system tray. EQPlayNice options are configurable through the WinEQ 2 Preferences screen. Do not launch the game through WinEQ 2, you just let it sit there and it will load EQPlayNice for you when you launch the game through IS/ISBoxer.


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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:16 am

Re: Maximum performances ?

Thanks a lot for the repply, i'm going to read all that and try EQPlayNice as well.

Another problem showed up earlier, well I couldn't find anything about it in the forum actually, I'm having issues with the primary eq windows i'm using.

Well I mean, i have 2 swap groups, and the very first client is not launching with the width and height it is supposed to in the windows configuration. I even got into the .ini file to change to the correct resolution, and it only work once. I couldn't find where in the toolkit I could specify a width and height for the client (else than in the windows layouts).

When it eventualy launches with the correct resolution, witch is 1920x1080, as soon as I'm in game I can see some duplicated pixels, clearly showing that the window is somehow stretched. Well that's more of non important thing, but it really keeps me up trying to rescale things and such.

And sorry if that's already have been issued somewhere else :p


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Post Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:22 am

Re: Maximum performances ?

I guess I would need to see your config in order to verify what you're saying about your Window Layout. See the "How to share your configuration" sticky


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Post Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:31 pm

Re: Maximum performances ?

Here it is : http://www.privatepaste.com/9675dd4b48

I've tryed EqPlayNice and that's perfectly what i needed. Not sure if the Core management improved something tho.
I guess they're no possibility to get only EqPlayNice on some windows and keep the 2 most active without any frame skip ?

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