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isboxer will not launch more than 1 application of EQ2??

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:50 pm

isboxer will not launch more than 1 application of EQ2??

works fine with EQ, just tried to fire up EQ2 to mess around and it will not launch more than 1 instance of the game...what gives?


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Post Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:05 am

Re: isboxer will not launch more than 1 application of EQ2??

A charity?

Jokes aside. It should launch. If it is not, then it is more than likely you have some other software installed that does not play nice. Why does it work with EQ and not EQ2, no idea, but then again, they are different games!.

The first port of call may be to look in the InnerSpace Console (right click InnerSpace icon, select Console) and see what is says. You will at least be able to see whether it is attempting to launch a second instance.

The next port of call will probably be to get a diagnostic for crashes (yes, I know, it needs a rename), and either provide it here, or peruse it for what is hooking the game and remove it.

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