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4.2 Ground AoE Question

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue May 15, 2018 10:38 pm

4.2 Ground AoE Question

I was following MiRai's video on Ground Target AoE. I wanted to use the conditional @cursor but with the Pro System. The spell (Blizzard) fires on both mages as expected but not where the cursor is. I have it split up to do the following
ISB42 - Combat Hotkeys -> Ground AOE (when pressed or released)
Step 1
ISBoxer SetView macro -> Group (others in):Ground AOE ATG
Step 2
Sync Cursor -> other Ground AOE
Do Ground AOE in ISB42 -> Virtual Combat Key Map

In the Class Key Map for the mages I do the Ground AOE as
Step 1
Call an ISBoxer macro for /cast [@cursor] Blizzard

Like I said the spell cast is working but not appearing to sync cursor to the main window (the tank) and putting the icy goodness where I need it.

Here is the config

Thanks in advance.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Wed May 16, 2018 9:51 am

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

My first suggestion is going to be not to use spaces in ATG names. I find it doesn't play nice with the other keyword (for your Sync Cursor action the target is "other Ground AOE").

Other than that, it all looks like it should work to me.

I checked the wiki and see I updated that detail on Action Target Groups a while ago. :)


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Post Wed May 16, 2018 10:23 am

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

Thank you sir! I will make modifications and report back.

Appreciate the time.


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Post Thu May 17, 2018 6:08 pm

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

Changed the ATG name to Ground. This is the only change. Saved and exported with same random AoE placement. What is a good way to test sync cursor? Would it have any effect if my tank is facing the opposite direction as the rest of the party? When I pull I go through the target and turn so the mob is facing away from the rest of the party.



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri May 18, 2018 7:29 am

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

The Sync Cursor Action syncs the mouse cursor positioning based on pixel location for a given window. With your chosen videofx layout style, then the mouse cursor would be placed at the exact same pixel location for each window. If the toons are facing slightly different directions, and/or have different camera angles, then this does mean, in game, the cursor position is not on the exact same spot in game, and if the main is facing another direction (like a 180), then where your main is aiming, is going to be completely different.

Usually if dragging a bunch of toons on follow, and using a SetView macro, the sync cursor action to target a location, it is fairly close to where your main is targeting, but not exact, as your follow toons are a couple of steps behind your main, so their target position is slightly behind for the same pixel location of the mouse. Same deal if they happen to be facing slightly to the left/right of your main.

So, the question really becomes, is the sync cursor action not putting the cursor in the same pixel location per game window?.

Also recommendations indicate your macro should be
/cast [@cursor]Blizzard

Note the lack of space between the modifier and the start of the spell name


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Post Fri May 18, 2018 6:52 pm

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

Thanks Bob, I will keep playing with it. Not super critical as the old 2 step send next click with targeting reticle works fine so can always go back to that. The @cursor conditional is very handy though so I thought I would give it a try. =)


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Post Fri May 18, 2018 7:03 pm

Re: 4.2 Ground AoE Question

Ok, so it does matter where the tank is facing. If he is facing the party as he would in combat so the followers are not getting cleaved, etc. Then its a mirror image kind of thing. If I want the AoE to land on the tanks position I place the cursor on the followers and it lands where it should. So to answer your question Bob, yes the cursor is in the right place on all windows. Since the tank is facing, say south and the rest of the party north, if I move the cursor south, directly away from the tank towards the party, the followers mouse goes towards the tank to the north, since they are facing each other.

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