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[WoW] "Pro CLS Config" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

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Post Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:34 pm

Re: "CLS Config the Pro Way" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

Well its not that you need to edit every single macro but from what i see each channeling ability will need the [nochanneling] condition added
As a example change
/cast Spellname to /cast [nochanneling] Spellname

However while playing around some i think that some spells seem in a priority list overpriotized as in some abilities always want to fire regardless if at the top or of the bottom of the priority.
In other words to handle that problem might need to add a Castsequence macro for those abilities or add a mod condition.


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Post Sun Nov 18, 2012 6:26 am

Re: [WoW] "Pro CLS Config" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

Hey guys just wanted to pipe in to mention that I've moved this megathread into a new "ISBoxer Pro Configuration" forum section, which will focus on anything related to the Pro (i.e. following the HOWTO for any game) and CLS configurations (i.e. this awesome WoW-specific implementation, spearheaded by muhamad ali).

So if you have a question or need help with the CLS config, please start a new thread here in this new forum section instead of replying to this thread. Just make sure to specify that you're using the CLS config, and we will know. :)



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Post Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:52 am

Re: "CLS Config the Pro Way" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

Nexor wrote:Well its not that you need to edit every single macro but from what i see each channeling ability will need the [nochanneling] condition added
As a example change
/cast Spellname to /cast [nochanneling] Spellname

However while playing around some i think that some spells seem in a priority list overpriotized as in some abilities always want to fire regardless if at the top or of the bottom of the priority.
In other words to handle that problem might need to add a Castsequence macro for those abilities or add a mod condition.

Yes. That's what I did. A castsequence seems to beat this setup to particular classes. Thanks for your feedback.

I think I'm going to redesign my settings based on this:

When I look to a specific CL set, instead of a 'macro of named macros' why dont just make one macro with all the needed spells or sequences. That will be a lot more easy to tune if anything isn't working as we wanted and free up some hotkeys (now it's a pain in the ass to guess a free one). There's already some lev 85 macros with sequences somewhere in the WoW Game Helper of some classes. This, imo, can be a better design for this method thinking on a more advanced playstyle.

BTW, I tested (from lev 74 to lev 80):

71-80 Blood DK - works good *
71-80 Disciplone Priest - works good *
71-80 Elemental Shaman - had to assign a castsequence macro bcs all procs go to the toilet with this random key spam. dps was very very low. usually they top dps all the others.
71-80 Affliction Warlock - works good *

* problems are channeled spells and my own interpretation of AOE rotation. For me, AOE rotation is the DPS rotation I use when I'm facing a group of 3 or more mobs - not only AOE spells to fire on a specific situation. I have a mouse button that switches SINGLE TARGET/AOE. So my AOE rotation is kinda same that DPS rotation but with AOE spells included - not only the AOE spells to fire with a different key.

Afterall they came to 80 with no major casualties so this works! :)


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Post Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:38 am

Re: [WoW] "Pro CLS Config" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

I don't really see a point to including [mod] abilities, as special portions of the DPS spam.
Quite possibly in your own configuration, but those can work just fine as an entirely separate keybind/mapped key.
In the CLS configuration, the goal is a basic configuration that works for every class/level/spec, that a new user can plug in and go with immediately.

I'd stick with the basics, which is already fairly comprehensive:
- DPS spam, hopefully optimized whether a Priority based, Two-Step based, or Castsequences.
- AoE spam
- Interrupts, on round-robin
- Panic keys
- Etc

I would like to see things tweaked for every spec, over time.
In such a way that a Shaman doing AoE would plant Fire Nova and cast several Chain Lightnings, until Fire Nova expired... rather than randomly doing both abilities, and recasting Fire Nova possibly three times in a row without any Chain Lightning firing off.

If you include channeling spells, you want to also include [nochanneling] tags in all other spells called for that same Class/Level/Spec, not just in the channeled spells.
Otherwise your Rejuvenation (or any other non-channeled ability) is going to interrupt your Tranquility (and other channeled abilities).

Those could be separated, so they're called by their own key...
In which case, nothing else is called... meaning you don't need nochanneling tags on other abilities.
Or they can be bundled as part of the DPS (cannot imagine separating Mind Flay from the rest of a Shadow Priests rotation), in which case everything that could be called by the spammed key should have nochanneling, unless you want to regularly have your Mind Flay interrupted.
If a given class/level/spec doesn't have a channeled ability, they obviously don't need nochanneling tags as their rotation won't interfere with CLSs that do channel spells.
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Post Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:14 pm

Re: [WoW] "Pro CLS Config" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012


When you next do an update could you include a WoW Macro in each class for 90 DPS macro as you have done for the Mages. I tried to add them in, but it started throwing up errors when I added a hotkey (after removing it from another).

This would make it easier for us to add castsequence macros to streamline things a bit


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Post Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:00 pm

Re: [WoW] "Pro CLS Config" for EVERYONE : UPDATED 11/13/2012

Locking this thread, if you have more to discuss with this config, please begin a new thread here in the new ISBoxer Pro Configuration section of the forums and let us know you're talking about the CLS config. Thanks!

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