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SWTOR Instance Already Running.

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Post Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:56 pm

SWTOR Instance Already Running.

Alright, I'm not entirely sure if I've done something wrong in the ISBoxer setup or not but I keep getting an Error when I attempt to run then second account of SWTOR with ISBoxer.

The Error message is: "Star Wars The Old Republic is already running. Would you like to close the existing process?" Then there is a yes or no confirmation and can't just close the error box.

This basically happens whenever you try to run 2 instances of SWTOR, for some reason ISBoxer doesn't seem to be virtualizing the second run and causing the error.

Also, to mention whenever I run the character set on innerspace and log in with the first it won't automatically run the second launcher like it is suppose to. I think this is the main cause of my problem.


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Post Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:50 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

I've figured out that for some reason when launching the character sets the second launcher doesn't launch after the first game is loaded. I believe this is the problem and I have no idea whats going wrong and why it isn't launching the second launch after the first is finished.


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Post Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:07 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

from the QSW

Part 3: Log in

After you have Exported to Inner Space, your Character Set should now be available for launching. To launch your team, use one of the following 3 methods:
1. Right click Inner Space in the system notification area and, in the ISBoxer Character Sets sub-menu, select your Character Set
2. In the top left pane in ISBoxer, under Character Sets, right click your Character Set and select Launch
3. To create a shortcut on your desktop to launch your team: In the top left pane in ISBoxer, under Character Sets, right click your Character Set and select Create desktop Launch shortcut

The launch process is usually a little bit different whether you are launching the game via a launcher or not.

For a game requiring a launcher

Use this section if you are launching the game through the game's launcher.

When you launch your Character Set, one launcher and game instance will be handled at a time. The second account's game launcher will open after the first one has launched the first game instance, and the first launcher has closed. If it takes more than 3 minutes to get from launching the game's launcher to opening the game instance, ISBoxer will give up and not continue launching the next instance. To continue launching, just launch your Character Set again and ISBoxer will continue filling in any missing windows.

If the game launcher does not automatically close after launching the game client, you will need to manually shut down the game launcher, and then manually launch your Character Set again for ISBoxer to continue launching your team.

If you are following the correct launch process and none of the coloured bits apply, then you may need to provide some more detail and perhaps a diagnostic http://isboxer.com/wiki/Diagnostics


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:13 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

Yep followed everything as it was suppose to be when launching the game. It doesn't run the second launcher after the first is gone. After the 3 minute timeout I've attempted to rerun the character set once more and it still does not seem to work and I end up with the same error message as if running it without IS on a single computer, "Star Wars The Old Republic is already running. Would you like to close the existing process?" This is not the duplicate launcher error message this is the message that shows basically stating you cannot launch multiple instances of the game on one computer.

Here is the diagnostic though I highly doubt it is actually going to help. Because the game doesn't crash until a second instance of the game is set to start. http://privatepaste.com/b81ec8c259
Last edited by Akkiryoku on Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:21 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

From this post viewtopic.php?p=7075#p7075

* "STAR WARS: The Old Republic is already running. Would you like the SWTOR Launcher to close the existing process?" - If you are on a new enough build of Inner Space, you should not be able to get this message. Make sure you are launching the game through Inner Space/ISBoxer and not directly; if Inner Space is not launching the game you are not using ISBoxer OR Inner Space. :)

Which implies you are probably using an outdated version is Innerspace and/or ISBoxer.

The other obvious choices is that there has been an update to SWTOR that is causing the problem (which no one else playing SWTOR has noticed), or you are not launching your character set correctly.

So, please provide a copy of your config and a diagnostic just in case there is something else going on.


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:24 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

Here is the ISBoxer config and the diag. http://privatepaste.com/7cf048334b and http://privatepaste.com/b81ec8c259


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:27 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

Wohoo, diags are up. Saw the edit after I posted :)

Okay, start shutting stuff down like
Alienware Command Centre

Basically you want to shut down as many processes as you can that are unnecessary to the running of the game, and determine if there are any conflicts.

I'd start with the Razer Cortex seeing as that is hooking the game with it's own versions of the Direct3d libraries, followed by Displayfusion, and then Spybot, Alien stuff, MSI, Bluestacks, etc.

If that doesn't work, then you will need to run your character set, get the first SWTOR up and running, and then grab a diagnostic from the running SWTOR as launched from Innerspace to see what else is hooking the game.


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Post Sat Jan 03, 2015 4:46 pm

Re: SWTOR Instance Already Running.

Yep, that didn't work the only thing i kept on was Display fusion(need this for my split monitor profiles) and the MSI ODD for some stupid reason won't let me stop the process. heres the diag from isboxer running it. http://privatepaste.com/ba0d325830

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