Post Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:47 pm

Disable repeater when not on main region

Hi, I'm playing PoE with a main region and 4 subregions.
To help with syncing I've set window swapping to only when I press a slot activate hotkey, so that I can click on a region to resync that character. Right now I have to manually toggle broadcasting every time I click on a subregion, or the action is repeated everywhere including the main region. I'm wondering if there's a way to only repeat actions from the main region to subregions, and have actions on a subregion not repeat.
Tried searching for this but I'm new to this and have trouble deriving what I need from existing solutions.

Edit: also, is there a way to turn off sound while all the screens are in the background; ie doing something else while leaving the games running.