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[Suggestion] Repeater regions with multiple pc and different resolution

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Post Sun Nov 07, 2010 11:41 pm

Repeater regions with multiple pc and different resolution

Ok so i know there was talks about the same issue but i might have a solution.

Issue: My main is on my desktop with a resolution of 1920x1200
my 4 slaves are on my laptop with a resolution of 1600x900, each window 800x450.
I want to be able to see grid on the bottom of my main's screen and heal from there as opposed to top left corner so I can see the repeater region on my slave, allowing me to heal.

I think since i dont care if my repeater region is at the same spot on my heals and my main, and im pretty sure everyone using 2 cpu are on the same boat. Since I want only what is inside that region to be repeated, the region should be it's own entity, say you make a region that is 100x200 on the main you should be able to move the resulting region on your slave. all that would be transmitted is the mouse position within that region (ex.: 99,34) and not the position relative to the whole game window (ex.:300,1400) that way there wouldn't be any problems with using 2 or more computers for a team.

I know that demands lots of coding but it shouldn't be hard to do. Hopefully you can implement that in isboxer 38, cause right now, it's the only issue and its making me mad that i die cause grid is not "in my face" when i pay attention to the fight. :D

excuse my english, its a second language


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Post Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:09 am

Re: Repeater regions with multiple pc and different resolution

There are no plans to implement translation (shifting by an x,y offset) or scaling of the mouse... ISBoxer will only place the cursor in the same exact location in every window.

For WoW in particular, a Blizzard post said in no uncertain terms that having the software click in a predetermined location (enabled by translation) is against the rules. If I were to implement what you're asking, it would be possible (trivial) for the average user to set up clicking in a predetermined location in every window.

You DO have the option of syncing the rendering size on all of the windows. You can set the "Desired rendering size" option in your Window Layout for the second PC to match the region on the main PC, or vice versa.


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Post Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:03 pm

Re: Repeater regions with multiple pc and different resolution

selecting rendering size doesnt fix the problem, my main window is 1920x1200, if i enter that resolution for my 4 slaves on the second computer, i can onnly see the top left corner of the game window ( the same area my mouse can reach when i use mouse repeater from my main's. Basically, it makes the game winodws bigger then my screen.

is there a way to make the windows the same size as before even tho it renders stuff in 1920x1200?

edit: if i make my main window 1600x900, the size of my slaves on the second pc, it doesnt use the whole screen like i setup in the window layout. it basically renders a 1600x900 screen and doesnt strech it to 1920x1200.
am i doing something wrong?
even if my main game client is set to 1600x900 and i set rendering size to 1920x1200 to strech the window, i get the same probloem where i have to put my healing bar in the top left corner to see it and be able to click it on my slaves
I dont care about distorted screen, is there is a solution please enlighten me


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Post Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:29 pm

Re: Repeater regions with multiple pc and different resolution

I found a work around, i bought a new monitor for my second computer, brand new samsung with native resolution of 1920x1200!

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