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Mouse Repeater, mouse position update freeze

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 3

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:52 pm

Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:20 am

Mouse Repeater, mouse position update freeze

So I'm having an issue with the mouse repeater.
I find that the position of the mouse cursor on the slave slots does not update smoothly, in fact it updates very seldom, pausing in the same place for several seconds at a time and only very briefly updating in a jittery fashion.
It's clear that when it's updating its doing it on all slave slots, its not an issue where it is updating at different times on different slots.

what is interesting is that I can reliably increase the mouse repeater update rate by holding down a keyboard key.
to where it mostly updates constantly, but has short jitters where it pauses behind.

it seems like clicks from the mouse and keyboard keys are beeing transmitted reliably and seemingly instantly
but mouse position updates seem to pause.
by holding down a keyboard key the mouse position updates seem to get kick started and function with intermittant brief pauses.

when performing a mouse kick it will go through at whatever position the last mouse position update was
this is problematic if the mouse position update paused, cause youll end up clicking on two different places on the two clients

I might jump to a possible solution that mouse click events should carry with them a coordinate, rely less on the position updates, and just carry the possition with the click event.

I hope to find a solution for this, I'm on a 7 day trial and wanting to get this working for Eve, but being this is a very mouse intensive game the mouse repeater is the key feature i am looking for.


Posts: 3

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:52 pm

Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:29 am

Re: Mouse Repeater, mouse position update freeze

Ack, I'm a dunce for not testing this sooner.
It's perfectly fine in production eve client

thier test build it is having issues with
i wanted to get it all working on test where it didnt mater if i got blowed up a few times
well, here's to hoping that it's something they clean up between now and next patch release
otherwise ISBoxer is not going to do well with EVE soon :(

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