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how to Use all 3 screens

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:20 pm

Post Mon Mar 11, 2024 6:33 pm

how to Use all 3 screens

I have 3 screens on my system, and I want to use them all, preference being 1 main display screen and then 2 game screens on each of the other 2 monitors. I don't see or understand how to use all 3 screens. I have selected them in the wizard setup, but it only uses 2 screens for the 4 other windows. I am also seeing 1 of the instances not keeping the aspect ratio. As far as I know they should all be the same. but it comes up differently. All help would be greatly appreciated.


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Post Mon Mar 11, 2024 7:24 pm

Re: how to Use all 3 screens

The Window Layout Generator in the Wizards limits itself to 2 screens only for it's generated layouts because the list of options gets long enough as it is. Adding more screens increases the options exponentially, so you'd get a list that is 100 times long and the complaints would say it was too complicated/confusing.

You can edit a window layout after it has been created by selecting it in the toolkit under the Window Layouts node in the top left, in the lower left select Regions and then you can see your regions and the monitors and you can move regions around and change properties.

If you like doing things harder, you can right click on the Window Layouts node and select New Window Layout and create one from scratch. Personally I find it is easier to create one via the Wizard first that is close enough to what I want, and then adjust some settings afterwards.

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