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[EVE] Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

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Post Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:16 pm

Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

hi im new here but i've come becuase i have an issue i can't seem to fix its been furstrating me for quite some time.

Eve online is the game.

my issue is that i set up a new dual screen moniter layout i have 2 chars on my left and 1 on my main moniter. now the boradcasting works when i have the main moniter char full sized now i want to shrink it so the boradcasting isn't screwy on my second moniter and visversa.

i have 2 swap groups left moniners has the two chars in it and the main moniter has the 1. the 2 should swap with eachother and the main should stay put and it all does so thats fine.

but once i've changed the size of my main moniter's window boradcasting wont work anymore like not at all still have swaping on. (from my understanding of the videos posted from isbox that should be the only thing stopping broadcasting)

i just really dont understand why it works with my main full sized but not once i've shunk it am i just special and missing something blatanly obvious or what??



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Post Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:34 pm

Re: Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

It would help to see your configuration in order to follow what's going on. HOWTO: Share your configuration for better support

Instant Swapping, which says by it "synchronizes game resolutions", synchronizes them on a per-Swap Group basis. You said you have two Swap Groups, and it sounds like the two Swap Groups are running at 2 completely different resolutions.

Mouse broadcasting is only going to be accurate when the windows in question are running at the same resolution. So if one guy is running at 1920x1080 and the other 2 are running at 1024x768, the things in the game aren't even going to be at the same place, maybe not even the same size.

The closest you're going to get, when running at different Resolutions, is to go into your Repeater Profile and change the "Cursor positioning mode" to "Scaled to fit". However, I wouldn't expect scaling to give you the precision you need to interact with EVE's GUI.


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Post Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:16 pm

Re: Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

lax wrote:It would help to see your configuration in order to follow what's going on. HOWTO: Share your configuration for better support

Instant Swapping, which says by it "synchronizes game resolutions", synchronizes them on a per-Swap Group basis. You said you have two Swap Groups, and it sounds like the two Swap Groups are running at 2 completely different resolutions.

Mouse broadcasting is only going to be accurate when the windows in question are running at the same resolution. So if one guy is running at 1920x1080 and the other 2 are running at 1024x768, the things in the game aren't even going to be at the same place, maybe not even the same size.

The closest you're going to get, when running at different Resolutions, is to go into your Repeater Profile and change the "Cursor positioning mode" to "Scaled to fit". However, I wouldn't expect scaling to give you the precision you need to interact with EVE's GUI.


no they are both the same res 1920-1080 i've already solved the issue you are refering to i had that before this one lol

Thanks for your reply

Not sure if thats the paste you wanted but thats what i came up with from following that link


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Post Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:51 am

Re: Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues



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Post Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:07 am

Re: Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

I answered what appeared to be the only question in your post and you said you already fixed it. I don't know what you still need help with...

Check the in-game video settings and make sure they're both in the same resolution? See if it's set to fullscreen mode and change it to windowed mode?

If you still have questions I need a fresh explanation of your issue...


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Post Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:40 pm

Re: Dual moniter Swaping\Broadcasting issues

alright il try again

1. dual moniters
2. 2 active play areas Both same size\Resolution
3. 3 Eve accounts at the same time 2 chars on Secreen 2 one on Screen 1

now my issue is that i can't broadcast from my play areas to the other windows ISB just wont let me

That help? im not sure of any better way to explain it

on the other hand it was letting me broadcast when moniter one toon was full screen and moniter 2 being 2\3's but its all funky cuz of the full screen
but once i change it to the same size as my second screen it says no and wont broadcast for me anymore

Point being same res no broadcast diffrend res = broadcast but screwy becuase of diffrend res from Char 1 to 2-3

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