HOWTO:Autologin through

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ISBoxer 41.8.0404.1 adds the ability to use the 'Keep me logged in' feature in for multiboxing in Diablo 3.

  1. Make sure ISBoxer is updated to 41.8.0417.1 or later via Help->About ISBoxer. An update link is provided if needed.
  2. Make sure Inner Space is updated to build 5998 or later by restarting Inner Space to let it patch up. You can check your Inner Space build number by hovering your cursor over the Inner Space icon in the system tray (notification area)

Adding this capability to an existing Character Set

For a Character Set and Characters created before ISBoxer 41.8.0404.1
  1. Use the Virtual File Wizard to add the new Virtual Files to your Characters -- just select the game and then select each Character to apply it to
  2. Optional: Remove the old Software/Blizzard Entertainment/ Virtual File
  3. Switch each Character to use a Game and Game Profile that points to the Diablo III Launcher.exe or World of Warcraft Launcher.exe
  4. Export to Inner Space

The game launching process

  1. Launch your team
  2. The first launcher comes up. Sign in to the first account for your Character Set, making sure to check "Keep me logged in", and click Play to launch the game
  3. The first launcher closes as the first game instance comes up. The second launcher should come up after the first game instance.
  4. In the second launcher, sign in to the second account, checking "Keep me logged in" and click Play.
  5. Continue launching your team in the same manner until fully launched

After the first time logging in, each Character will be kept sign in. The next time through, no login should be required; simply launch and click Play!