Supported Operating Systems

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ISBoxer and Inner Space are 32-bit programs designed to run on 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows 2000 or later.

Windows XP

ISBoxer requires Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5, which comes pre-installed on both Windows Vista and 7 but not on Windows XP.

  • Installing .NET 4.0 or later will not help: Version 4.0 and later of Microsoft .NET Framework is installed separately from (and does not include) 2.0-3.5.

If this is not installed, ISBoxer will give the following error message: The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application

Windows Vista and Windows 7

If User Account Control (UAC) is enabled in Windows, ISBoxer and Inner Space will warn that you need to run them as Administrator. If UAC is set to "Never notify" and ISBoxer and Inner Space are not explicitly allowed, the software may fail to operate.

Because Inner Space will be running as Administrator, and Inner Space launches your games for you, the games will also be running as Administrator. This means that other applications that normally override or interact somehow with the game, including Ventrilo for its push to talk hotkey or input device software for button mapping, those applications may also need to be run as Administrator while multiboxing with ISBoxer.

Windows 8

ISBoxer requires Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5, which comes pre-installed on both Windows Vista and 7 but not on Windows 8. However, instead of producing a cryptic error as on Windows XP, Windows 8 provides a helpful message with a button to help you install the required files.

  • If you get a message about installing .NET the first time you run ISBoxer on Windows 8, click the install button, it is correct!

About DirectX 9 and 11

Inner Space supports both DirectX 9 and 11, both of which come installed with Windows 7 and Windows 8. However, the first time you launch Inner Space on either Windows 7 or 8, you may get a message about a required DirectX update. This is because Inner Space requires a supplement to DirectX 9 that comes installed with the DirectX updates, and does not come pre-installed with any version of Windows (that's right, even Windows 8, which again comes with DirectX 9 and 11... and 10).

  • If you get this message about installing a DirectX update, the best course of action is to use the DirectX web updater from Microsoft as advised!

See Also