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NVIDIA Network Access Manager (Also known as Forceware Intelligent Application Manager, NVIDIA Firewall, nvappfilter.dll) may prevent games from launching through Inner Space due to a stack overflow error (crash!). It comes with, and is installed by, your motherboard chipset software package. It's not required software, and other firewall software (such as the Windows Firewall, or Zone Alarm) will do pretty much the same thing in a different way.

You will need to uninstall this to use ISBoxer.

Uninstall Instructions

Here is how to remove it
  1. Open Add/Remove Programs (from the Windows Control Panel)
  2. Find "NVIDIA ForceWare Network Access Manager"
  3. Select Modify and uncheck Intelligent Application manager
    • Alternatively, if the Modify option is unavailable, just select Uninstall
  4. OK/Close/etc

After it uninstalls you may need to reboot, but you should be able to begin using Inner Space.