Thank you, Lax.
But the thread is locked, so here will work.
Thank you for developing Inner Space, and IS Boxer.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your products, the quality shows you really care and aren't doing it just for the money.
Thank you for the amazing level of support you give.
Thank you for adding many of the features the community has requested, over the years.
Thank you for the supporting of numerous devices we use to box with.
Thank you for the sheer multitude of games that your product can run, across basically every version of Windows.
Thank you for constantly adding new features, and giving us additional options to use in our games.
Thank you for stepping up, and keeping Dual-Boxing going strong... despite it being a "boxing" site for all products, and not an Inner Space/IS Boxer site; that shows you care about the community too.
In short, you rock and the community appreciates what you do.