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Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

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Post Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:36 pm

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

then how do you pass keys to other windows? hehe

repeater makes it like keyclone amirite? just passes all keys all the time?


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Post Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:55 pm

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

Key Maps are "for" not broadcasting all keys. You set up hotkeys to do whatever you want. So, for example, the Quick Setup Wizard sets up a follow key on Alt+F. You don't need to turn on Repeater to make your guys follow you. The "FTL DPS Keys" are on 1 through = (the default Action Bar hotkeys). Pressing any of these keys will make your other guys assist and cast the spell (etc). Repeater does not need to be on to make your guys assist and attack.

Repeater is for broadcasting all keys. You do this when you might want to broadcast all keys instead of having those Key Maps -- such as entering your password, or typing in the chat box on all of your guys. For those times, you want to enable Repeater, and disable Key Maps. Otherwise, when you press 1, all of your guys are going to be doing the things assigned by the Key Maps (auto assist and cast, etc) instead of just pressing 1.

Likewise, there are times when you don't want either broadcasting, nor those key maps. Like when you just want to type in the chat box and not broadcast it. Just turn off Key Maps and turn them back on when you're done.


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Post Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:34 pm

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

i see, i assume there's ways to remap the ftl keys too? i dont use 6-8 and - = for example, i keep all my attacks near my left hand, so caps lock, Q, E, shift+q, shift+e, shift+caps

I'm so used to always having key repeating on as thats how keyclone does it. Man i'm gonna have to relearn to play lol!


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Post Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:35 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

Pretty much, look at the wizard and what it has given you.
Copy what is provided.
So if you want to have "Q" be an FTL DPS Key.
Look at how "1" is set up, and do the same, but for "Q".

Keymaps are a stronger option the Repeater.

With Keyclone, we only have Repeater.
Everything is sent to all clients.
Unless we blacklist, which means it is sent to no other windows.

With Keymaps, anything which is not a mapped key does not repeat, so is effectively Blacklisted.
Anything which is the hotkey for a mapped key, does something.
But it doesn't have to affect all windows; you can send it to any combination of windows, some or all or two etc.
And you don't even have to send the same thing to each window.
And you can configure it to do different things on each press of the key.
A lot more flexible.

Repeater (full broadcast) has its uses, but for normal play you'll go with Keymaps on and Repeater off, for 95% of the time.
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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:09 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

this is the particular graphics bug i was mentioning, how things are out of focus on the alt screens... it happens like this on the left monitor and when i swap to those windows to the main monitor it does this. *(same as whats on my smaller monitor!) When using keyclone and its maximizer, i dont get this :( any ideas?


For comparison this is what the main screen / window looks like, Nice and crystal clear, vs the one above which is graphically... skewed ? not sure how to label it lol



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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:24 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

I've played with isboxer some more, and tried different setup options. I'm at a loss as to the sheer amount of memorizing i have to do. alt shift ctrl for ftl, alt shift m /r / whatever Theres 400 different shortcuts you've gotta put to memory before you can use your team. There is no "easy setup" imo, even starting a brand new team was a giant hassle. maybe i'm too used to the simplistic ease of start 5 wow windows and push my buttons. Seems with isboxer if you want to set up strafe keys or keybinds with every toon, you've got to set up everything in is boxer, export it all, then set it all up in game, why when you can just set it up in game with a keybind in macaroons action bars, and use keyclone and be done in less than a minute! lol

Another question would be, Control, Alt, Shift, FTL, whats the point of having ftl if you've gotta memorize all these modified keys? Wheres the simple option of lets say F8 thru F9? i guess this is a better question for those that use a focus system like me, and have switched from focus system to ftl.

I see the potential of it, but the sheer amount of keybind memorizing is rediculous to me lol i have hard enough time memorizing what buttons my paladins have, and to be able to use ftl is just mind boggling atm, lol maybe im too sleepy or drunk who knows, it just seems like a foreign language to me whenever i try to set it up and use it. hehe

/end rant sorry for rambling :) its been a long day hahahaha


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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:42 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

Whoa, whoa.. if you're trying to memorize 500 things you're totally missing the forest for the trees. You need absolutely 0 knowledge of FTL in order to use it.

And you can be "done in less than a minute! lol" the same way with ISBoxer if thats what you want to do. Just turn on Key Repeat and you've got Keyclone's entire set of functionality ;)

The only things you need to remember are right here: http://isboxer.com/index.php/guides/45- ... e-quickref
In short:
- 1 through = for attacks (which as a wow player you should already be used to, unless you are clicking)
- Alt+F for follow.
- Shift+Alt+R for toggling Repeater
- Shift+Alt+M for toggling Key Maps

That's only 3 additional things. This is as simplistic as it gets.

If you want to have a broadcast with a blacklist/whitelist, set it up in your Repeater Profile. If I ever want to strafe with my toons, etc, I never have a problem just turning on Repeater real quick. That's why it's there -- stuff you don't need in combat you should pretty much have time to just turn on Repeater and click or press whatever keys they need to press. If that's a burden, then that's when you would make a special hotkey instead. I don't map keys for pretty much anything outside of combat, because it's more of a burden to have a billion keys than to just turn on Repeater for a second to move them all.

The Quick Setup really does work and 40 seconds of configuration really is all you need in order to get started, and I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to memorize a bunch of new keys just to do what I showed in the 40 second configuration video!


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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:03 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

hehe you're up late ! <3 so with repeater, you broadcast all keys and mouse function. Is there a way to broad cast ALL KEYS + No mouse function? I'm sure there is but i can barely see straight atm and i feel like chatting lol

Oh and i know you've looked at the above screenies, have you any idea why my lefthand monitor would make all 4 of the wow windows on it look like the first screenshot when i use them there? Im gonna try now to set up a different maximizer set up with all my wow's on one screen like you have it set up to see if that does any differnt. perhaps its just an issue with the different resolution setups within left/right monitors( one monitor is 19" hp wide screen, the main monitor is 22")


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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:42 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

I've broken Repeater into two Mapped Keys.
One is for Keyboard Repeating.
One is for Mouse Repeating.

If you look at the examples that the wizard gives, that shows how to accomplish a lot of things.
It sets up several options, which you can adapt to do just about anything you want.

In the guide section on isboxer.com, there is a link to my guide on dual-boxing.com.
While you probably won't want to do everything listed in it, it is basically step by step instructions on modifying your set up.
A walk through on how to customize things.

For example.
Look at the wizard created option for "Others Jump".
I've adapted that for slaves (non-active windows) to move independently of the main window.
Pretty easy to do, and quite useful.

The easiest approach to mapped keys..
Choose the hotkey you want.
Choose the targets you want it to affect.
Have it send the keybind to the targets of your choice.
Have a wow macro on that keybind.

Mapped Keys are amazing, in what you can accomplish.
You can set up Strafe keys if you want.
If you'll use them enough, it might be worthwhile.
If its something that is quite rarely used, then just disable keymaps and turn on repeater.

Also, if you want to do something specific and cannot think of how.
Post here, or in the keymap section.
Or ask on the IRC.

As far as the blurred text in the slave windows.

Keyclone is rendering the smaller window at its actual size.

IS Boxer is rendering each window at the same size as the large/main screen.
And then scaling each window down, to fit within the smaller frames around the main screen.
Because they are scaled down, the text appears somewhat distorted in the slave windows.

But, because everything is rendered at full size, you can instantly switch between windows.
And also the mouse broadcasting is extremely accurate, which is a major strength of IS Boxer.
If you have to be on another client, the switch is as fast as you can hit the key.
And most of the time, you don't really need to be there.
Jamba will forward whispers, and you can get quest notification on the main screen.
All you really need the smaller windows for, is a visual reference they are following or facing whatever.

If you have a unit frame addon like Pitbull etc, you can display Target of Party Members.
I have that, as a very thin frame, with each of the five slaves stacked atop each other.
A very easy and quick visual reference for what they are targeting.
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Post Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:45 am

Re: Setting up ISboxer problem, Going from 6 folders to virtual?

okay so i switched up the maximizer thinger, and changed my layout so that all the wow screens are on one monitor, the graphics still do the same thing on the "smaller" windows, but when maximized /swapped they work clear and sexy now. Fun stuff.

I'm not sure why, trying to set up the auto ftl and make it work with the alt F for follow and shift F to assist, however, i've got the F key in game already keybound to something else(follow focus for example, which is a macro made and keybound with macaroon addon) i think this is causing the issue with isboxer trying to use the "f" key but the in game keybinds and macro are overridding it? who knows.

I figured out how to turn off mouse repeating and have just key repeating on all the time*(which i prefer as its what im used to with all my bajillions of keybinds already set) So that part is all golden :) now i just gotta get the ftl goin!

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